Implementation of the National Strategy for creating a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period up to 2030

Possibilities of exercising the right to access and receiving services by persons with impaired hearing, vision, and mental disorders

Primary monitoring of accessibility for low-mobility groups of the population, in particular persons with disabilities, public services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and information on the procedure for their provision

Information sign “Barrierlessness”

Information on conducting trainings “Investigation of sexual violence crimes related to the conflict, in accordance with international law” for investigators of the National Police of Ukraine

Methodological recommendations on the accessibility of public services, taking into account the needs of low-mobility groups of the population, including persons with different levels of communication capabilities

Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for 2023—2024 on the implementation of the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period up to 2030, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 25, 2023 № 327-r