Accredited Key Certification Center

Qualified provider of electronic trust services — accredited key certification center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (KNEDP — ACSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)

Qualified electronic trust services provided by KNEDP — ACSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine:

  • a qualified electronic trust service for the creation, verification and confirmation of a qualified electronic signature or seal;
  • qualified electronic trust service for the formation, verification and confirmation of the validity of a qualified certificate of electronic signature or seal;
  • qualified electronic trust service for the formation, verification and confirmation of a qualified electronic timestamp.

Contacts of the KNEDP — ACSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine*

(044) 254-77-55; (093) 254-77-55; (099) 254-77-55
Adresse E-mail:

*exclusively on issues related to qualified electronic trust services of the KNEDP — ACSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.