You called 102:

The dispatcher may ask for a brief description of the situation and ask:
  • name and surname;
  • the presence of children;
  • the presence of animals;
  • whether medical care is needed.
Police officers at the scene:
  • stop offenses;
  • conduct an explanatory conversation with the offender;
  • inform the affected person about their rights;
  • accept a statement from the injured person;
  • make up administrative materials for the offense (in case of confirmation of the fact of domestic violence).
As needed:
  • call an ambulance;
  • provide first aid;
  • issue an urgent restraining order in relation to the offender, on the basis of a risk assessment;
  • invite the offender to the police station, for the purpose of questioning;
  • call an investigative task force if there are signs of a criminal offense.
The powers of the police:
  • taking preventive accounting of offenders;
  • issuance of an urgent prohibition order in relation to the offender, on the basis of a risk assessment;
  • cancellation of permits for the right to purchase, store, carry weapons by the offender;
  • informing the relevant departments if there is a child among the victims;
  • receipt of statements about the fact of domestic violence and their inclusion in the journal of the unified record of applications and reports of criminal offenses and other events.
  • monitoring the implementation by offenders of special measures to combat domestic violence during the period of their validity;
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