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Домашнє насильство: що це таке, як його розпізнати, куди звертатись по допомогу?!
Не зволікайте, у разі будь-якої небезпеки звертайтесь до поліції
Телефонуйте 102
За підтримки
Домашнє насильство: що це таке, як його розпізнати, куди звертатись по допомогу?!
Що таке «домашнє насильство» згідно із законом?

Домашнє насильство - протиправні дія або бездіяльність (а також погрози їх вчинення) у формі фізичного, сексуального, психологічного, економічного насильства, що вчиняються у визначеному колі осіб, незалежно від місця їх проживання.

(Організаційно-правові засади запобігання та протидії домашньому насильству визначені Законом України «Про запобігання та протидію домашньому насильству». Цей Закон також визначає основні напрями реалізації державної політики у сфері запобігання та протидії домашньому насильству, спрямовані на захист прав та інтересів постраждалих осіб).

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Як очистити історію перегляду сайтів?
Циклічність насильства
Циклічність насильства
Збільшення напруги
Агресія та насильство
Каяття, припинення

Who could it possibly concern?

  • mother
  • father
  • children
  • foster children
  • foster parents
  • parent educators
  • foster children
  • cousins grandparents
  • nephews
  • custodial parents
  • husband and wife
  • married couple
  • spouses in a civil marriage
  • ex-spouse
  • bride and groom
  • persons who have a common child
  • great-grandchildren
  • persons under guardianship or custody
  • foster carers
  • indigenous brothers and sisters
  • cousins
  • Indigenous grandparents
  • great-grandfather and great-grandmother
  • uncle and aunt

Forms (types) of domestic violence

This is when you are beaten or pushed, not let out of your home or allowed into it, forced to use alcohol or drugs. You are threatened with death or deliberately create a situation that could endanger your health and safety. Against your will, you are transferred within one state or abroad with the use of force, threats or deception.


  • causing bodily injuries of varying severity
  • slaps, kicks, pushing, pinching, whipping, biting
  • failure to provide assistance to a person in a life-threatening condition
  • leaving in danger
  • unlawful deprivation of liberty

Does any of this happen to you or someone you know?

Don't delay! Call “102”, call the police now!

This is when you are forced into unwanted sexual intercourse, touching the intimate parts of your body without consent. You are forced to watch sexual intercourse (watch porn), etc. You are forced into prostitution.


  • coercion to sexual intercourse
  • penetration into the human body without consent
  • forced caresses without penetrating the body
  • coercion into prostitution
  • coersion to watch pornography

Does any of this happen to you or someone you know?

Don't delay! Call “102”, call the police now!

This is when you are manipulated to one’s own advantage. You are systematically blackmailed, harassed and intimidated. You are constantly and completely controlled, despised as a person, criticized and ridiculed. You are threatened with taking away your children, restricted to contact relatives and friends. You or third parties are threatened with death or mutilation.


  • humiliation, persecution, intimidation
  • actions aimed at restricting the will of the person
  • verbal insults, threats, including against third parties
  • control in the reproductive sphere
  • actions that have harmed a person's mental health

Does any of this happen to you or someone you know?

Don't delay! Call “102”, call the police now!

This is when you are forbidden to work, you are deprived of your own funds. Your personal property is damaged or broken. You are illegally restricted or deprived of access to housing. You are deprived of food and water.


  • intentional deprivation of housing, food, clothing, other property, funds or documents
  • abandonment or deprivation of guardianship
  • ban on work, coersion to work
  • obstruction of obtaining the necessary medical treatment or rehabilitation services
  • ban on studying

Does any of this happen to you or someone you know?

Don't delay! Call “102”, call the police now!

Якщо ви постраждали або стали свідком домашнього насильства — телефонуйте за номером 102

Security plan

Plan your escape in advance.

Make copies or photos of important documents (passport, identification code, your own birth certificate and birth certificates of children, marriage certificate, certificates, title deeds, medical certificates, etc.).

Close bank accounts in advance and secretly, set aside and hide cash for 3-5 days.

Duplicate keys.

Collect essentials (medicines, hygiene products, clothes, shoes, valuables, jewelry).

Keep copies of collected documents and items in a safe and accessible place for you or in a place of people you trust.

Delete the browsing history on the Internet, turn off the geolocation service in the settings of the smartphone (tablet, laptop), delete the 
e-mail and chat history in messengers, block your own accounts in social networks.

Arrange with neighbors, friends, and loved ones about signals of being in danger, so they know when you need help.

Find a place that would be a temporary reliable shelter.

Remember that the abuser can be not only relatives according to the law, but also cohabitants, brides and grooms, ex-spouses, regardless of whether you live together, as well as persons who are not your relatives, but are connected with you by common life.

Preparatory stage
Critical stage

Avoid areas where there are sharp and dangerous objects (kitchen, bathroom, garage, balcony, etc.).

Stay in areas that are easy to leave, stay closer to the exit.

Take off any jewelry or accessories, they can be dangerous in a critical situation for your life and health.

Make sure that the weapon, if present in the house, is locked.

Take care of the safety of children and the elderly.

Try to avoid conflict, leave the room and call the emergency number "102".

Give a danger signal to neighbors, friends or loved ones if you are unable to notify the police on your own.

Contact a medical facility if you have been injured and tell the doctors in detail about the situation.

Record all manifestations of violence: photos of bruises and abraisions, threatening messages, recordings of telephone conversations, medical certificates, etc.

Call the emergency number "102" and report the situation.

Inform people you trust (neighbors, close relatives and friends) about your condition and future intentions.

Change your phone number, email address, turn off geolocation settings, change your daily schedule and usual routes.

Keep copies of important documents with you and keep their originals in a safe place.

Inform the person you trust about the time and place of the meeting when you plan to see the abuser, make an appointment in a crowded place and / or in the area of CCTV cameras (in shops, entertainment venues, near government agencies).

Remember! The main rule of a safe hiding place is SECRECY (only people you trust should know about such a place)

Postcritical stage
If you feel depressed, anxious, or desperate, call someone who can support you (psychologist, social worker, friends, or parents).
If there are children in the family

Make sure children know how to call the police and know when to do so.

Instruct the children how and when they need to leave the house in times of acute conflict, and where they can go (invent a secret or code word).

Teach the children not to interfere in the conflict, not to try to protect you and stay away from the abuser.

Think about it and, when it is possible, discuss with the child the people you trust, agree on situations in which you need to turn to these people for help.

Домашнє насильство в умовах війни

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