The affected person has the right to:

1. Effective, effective and urgent protection in all cases of domestic violence, prevention of repeated cases of domestic violence;
2. Address, personally or through their representative, to entities carrying out measures in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence;
3. Obtaining complete and comprehensive information from actors carrying out measures in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence, about their rights and social services, medical, social, psychological assistance that they can use;
4. Respect for honor and dignity, attentive and humane treatment on the part of actors carrying out measures in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence;
5. Confidentiality of personal information, which has become known to entities carrying out measures in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence, while working with the affected person, and the protection of personal data;
6. Free receipt in accordance with the legislation of social services, medical, social and psychological care in accordance with its needs;
7. Free legal assistance in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine “On Free Legal Aid”;
8. Selection of a specialist by gender (if possible);
9. Compensation of material damage caused by offenders and damage caused to physical and mental health, in the manner prescribed by law;
10. Appeal to law enforcement agencies and the court in order to bring offenders to justice, apply to them special measures to combat domestic violence;
11. Timely receipt of information about the final decisions of the court and procedural decisions of law enforcement agencies related to the consideration of the fact of the commission of domestic violence against her, including those related to the isolation of the offender or his release;
12. Other rights provided for by legislation in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence, as well as international treaties, the consent to which is given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
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