For the commission of domestic violence there is both administrative and criminal liability. So administrative responsibility implies:
  • Fine 170-340 UAH,
  • Public work 30-40 hours,
  • Arrest up to 10 days.
While criminal liability:
  • Community work 150-240 hours, arrest up to 6 months
  • Restriction of freedom up to 5 years
  • Imprisonment up to 2 years
Additional measures of influence that can be applied in relation to the offender:

Urgent prohibition order, which may contain the following measures:

  • Obligation to leave the place of residence (stay) of the injured person;
  • Prohibition of entry and stay at the place of residence (stay) of the injured person;
  • Prohibition in any way to contact the affected person.
An urgent prohibition order is issued for up to 10 days.
Another tool to protect the injured person is a restraining order, which is issued by the court for a period of 1 to 6 months. It can be extended for the same period, and contains more prohibitions for the offender.
So, the restrictive prescription contains the following measures:
  • Prohibition to stay in a place of cohabitation (stay) with the injured person;
  • Prohibition of personally and through third parties to search for the injured person, if he or she is at will in a place unknown to the offender, to pursue him and communicate with him in any way; elimination of obstacles to the use of property that is the object of the right of joint joint property or personal private property of the injured person by;
  • Restriction of communication with the affected child;
  • Prohibition of approaching a specified distance to the place of residence (stay), study, work, other places of frequent visit by the affected person;
  • Prohibition to conduct correspondence, telephone conversations with the affected person or contact with him through other means of communication personally and through third parties.
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