National legislation on equal rights and opportunities for women and men

1. Constitution of Ukraine, adopted at the fifth session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 28.06.1996

2. Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” dated 08.09.2005 № 2866-IV

3. Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Discrimination in Ukraine” dated 06.09.2012 № 5207-VI

4. Law of Ukraine dated 14.09.2021 № 1643-IX “On Amendments to Article 73 of the Labor Code of Ukraine”

5. Law of Ukraine dated 10.09.2021 № 1750-IX “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Advertising” regarding the fight against discrimination on the basis of sex”

6. Code of Labor Laws, approved by Law No. 322-VIII of 10.12.1971

7. Family Code of Ukraine dated 10.01.2002 № 2947-III

8. Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine dated 18.03.2004 №1618-IV

9. Decree of the President of Ukraine “On Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine for the period up to 2030” dated September 30, 2019 No. 722/2019

10. Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the Annual National Program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2021” dated May 11, 2021 № 189/2021

11. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Issues of Gender Legal Examination” dated 28.11.2018 № 997

12. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.10.2020 № 930 “Some issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men”

13. The state social program for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men for the period up to 2021 was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11.04.2018 № 273

14. National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” for the period up to 2020, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 24.03.2016 №113-r

15. National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” for the period up to 2025, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 28.10.2020 № 1544-r

16. National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Recommendations set out in the Concluding Remarks of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to the Eighth Periodic Report of Ukraine on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women for the period up to 2021, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.05 September 2018 № 634-r

17. Plan of measures to implement the commitments of the Government of Ukraine, taken within the framework of the international initiative “Biarritz Partnership” on gender equality, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 16, 2020 No. 1578-r

18. The priority action plan of the Government for 2021, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 24.03.2021 № 276-r

19. National strategy in the field of human rights for 2021-2023, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23.06.2021 № 756-r

20. Annual national program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2021 and performance indicators of its implementation, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.06.2021 № 690-r

21. The concept of communication in the field of gender equality, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.09.2020 № 1128-r

22. National strategy for creating a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period up to 2030, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 14.04.2021 № 366-r

23. Methodological recommendations for the implementation and application of a gender-oriented approach in the budgetary process, approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 02.01.2019 № 1

24. Methodological recommendations for conducting gender audit by enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by the order of the Ministry of Social Policy dated 09.08.2021 № 448

25. Methodological recommendations for the introduction into collective agreements and agreements of provisions aimed at ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in labor relations, approved by the order of the Ministry of Social Policy dated 29.01.2020 No. 56

26. Methodological recommendations on the application of the gender component in the educational process of educational institutions of the security and defense sector

27. Instructions on the integration of gender approaches during the development of regulatory legal acts, approved by the order of the Ministry of Social Policy dated 07.02.2020 № 86

He's 28. Action plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy in the Field of Human Rights for 2021-2023, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 17.09.2021 № 680

He's 29. Plan of main activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2021, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 28.12.2020 № 920

He's 30. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 10.09.2021 № 668 “On the organization of the implementation of the Action Plan for 2021 - 2022 years on the implementation of the National Strategy for creating a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period up to 2030”

31. List of legislative and other legal acts regulating social protection issues, which contribute to the combination of family and professional duties by employees

32. Action Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” for the period up to 2025, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated June 1, 2023 № 444

33. Action plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the implementation of the tasks of the operational plan for the implementation of the State Strategy for Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men for the period up to 2030 to 2022-2024, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated November 30, 2022 No. 785

34. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated March 10, 2023 № 39/01/37 “On the Organization of Implementation of the Plan of Measures for the Implementation of the Concept of Communication in the Field of Gender Equality”

35. Plan of measures for the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” for the period up to 2025, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28, 2020 No. 1544 (as amended by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 16, 2022 1150s)

36. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 16, 2022 № 1150-r “On Amendments to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28, 2020 № 1544-r

37. State strategy for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men for the period up to 2030 and the operational plan for its implementation for 2022-2024, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12, 2022 No. 752-r

38. The concept of communication in the field of gender equality, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 16, 2020 No. 1128

39. Plan of measures for the implementation of the Concept of Communication in the field of gender equality, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 2023 № 79-r

40. Strategy for the implementation of gender equality in the field of education until 2030, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 20, 2022 No. 1163-r.

41. The operational plan of activities for 2022-2024 on the implementation of the Strategy for the implementation of gender equality in the field of education until 2030 was approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 20, 2022 No. 1163-r.