Barrierlessness in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is an integral part of the provision of services

22.09.2023 11:40

On the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the city. Kamianets-Podilskyi has a driving school for people with disabilities. There is full interaction between educational institutions and service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Driving schools conduct training, if necessary, retraining, and service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take theoretical and practical exams. The state provides continuous support, and the client receives convenience in obtaining the service.

Service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do everything possible to create an environment in which everyone will be comfortable. We take into account the needs of every citizen.

The driving school has created all conditions for inclusive access to training and retraining of every citizen without exception. Here, persons with disabilities can master category B vehicles and manual driving. Training takes place in inclusive groups, individually, remotely and on a convenient schedule.

The material and technical base and classrooms of the Driving School for Persons with Disabilities are equipped with computer simulators, with which the students of the courses can practice driving skills and overcome conditional obstacles on the road. The institution has all the opportunities for everyone who wants to get a driver's license, as well as retrain.

We remind, “Driving schools for people with disabilities” is the flagship project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, implemented within the framework of the initiative “Without barriers”, presented by First Lady Elena Zelenska and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Kateryna Pavlichenko.

The state embodies change and shows that barrier-free is no longer something unique, but integral.

We worry about those who are nearby. We create equal opportunities for all people.

Consultation on the services of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be obtained by phone (044) 290-19-88 or on the pages of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Facebook and Instagram. Answers to the most common questions and useful information can be found on the site.

Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Sep 22, 2023 11:40 AM

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