Psychological assistance groups
The task of specialists of the departments of psychological support of NGU, NPU, DSNS and DPSU is to not only provide psychological support and professional assistance to employees in a timely manner, but also to strengthen their resilience (an innate dynamic property of the personality that underlies the ability to overcome stress and difficult periods constructively).
An important part of the work of psychologists is the conduct of psycho-corrective work, which involves an active purposeful influence on the personal, behavioral and intellectual level of functioning of a person. Psychocorrection work may include such elements of work with a psychologist as training in self-regulation skills, exercises to increase self-perception and positive thinking, relaxation, meditation, and other methods aimed at improving the mental state.
In today's conditions, employees of the National Guard of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are almost daily in extreme situations, including related to the death, injury and injury of people, the transfer of other psychotraumatic situations related to the service activities, circumstances of life.
Psychologists conduct group work taking into account the individual needs of each and use in their activities effective methods of psychological assistance (psychotherapeutic methods and techniques, group work) for employees who have been adversely affected by stress factors.
When conducting individual or group work, psychologists constantly monitor that the members of the psychological support and assistance group have positive and persistent changes in the psycho-emotional state, general well-being, improve the results of service activities, and adaptation to the conditions of service is easy.