The Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to conduct a gender assessment, - Kateryna Pavlichenko

04.02.2020 13:11

On February 03, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko held a meeting with representatives of the Consultative Mission of the European Union and the Volke Bernadotte Academy, where issues of gender assessment in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were discussed.

The meeting was devoted to discussion and proposals for gender evaluation. It was attended by representatives of the Volke Bernadotte Academy Emmiki Roos and Gabriela Elroy, as well as IMES Adviser/Coach on Human Rights and Gender Issues Sanne Tilemans, IMES Adviser on Gender Issues Agata Jimanska, IMES Trainings Expert on human rights Oleksandra Zub and adviser to the Minister of the Interior on gender issues Viktoriia Arnautova.

“We aim to conduct a gender assessment, which will help us identify the needs and is a necessary aspect for the further formation of the policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the implementation of gender equality,” said Kateryna Pavlichenko.

In turn, Representative of the Academy of Folke Bernadotte, Emmicky Roos noted that this is very important for the formation of institutional capacity, so it is necessary to decide on a further action plan. Based on her experience, she decided that the gender assessment will have positive consequences, because the result will help to identify the mechanisms at work and understand what needs to be changed in order to improve the further promotion of gender policy.

Agata Shymanska added that in the past, the ECSC has always provided support and assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular, supported the creation of a network of contact persons on gender equality issues in the department.

We are extremely grateful to our partners for their cooperation and assistance in achieving such important goals for us. We highly appreciate the support of the Consultative Mission of the European Union and the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

Photo: Andriy Novytskyi

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