Tatiana Kovalchuk: Interaction at all levels is the basis of the success of gender policy implementation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

09.11.2018 09:15

Currently, there is a network of gender advisers, managers responsible for gender policy implementation and contact persons in the internal affairs system. Their aim is to contribute to ensuring the principle of equal opportunities through the integration of the gender perspective into the activities of the departments. This was announced today, November 9, by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Tatyana Kovalchuk during a meeting of the Working Group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women. Peace. Security.”

“In society, gender politics is still perceived as radical feminism. We should understand that gender policy is a policy of equal opportunities, a state vector of development. Step by step, we are changing ourselves, changing our consciousness and perception, opening new positions for women and providing access to opportunities,” said Tatiana Kovalchuk.

According to her, only with a clear understanding of the issues and interaction at all levels of units is it possible to successfully implement the equal opportunities policy.

“The main success of any state process is institutional capacity. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has all the necessary components of the mechanism necessary for the success of the establishment of equal opportunities policy,” said the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Kateryna Levchenko.

Agata Shymanska, Gender Advisor of the EU Advisory Mission, stressed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the first executive body in Ukraine to put equal opportunities policy at the heart of its activities.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed its own action plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325, a monitoring and evaluation system. The Ministry has established a network of contact persons on gender issues and a division for gender equality. This is the first agency that demonstrates an integrated approach to this issue. The EU advisory mission will continue to support the agency in this direction,” she added.

Recall that the forum “Gender policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Equal opportunities for everyone” was held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Photo by Andriy Novitsky

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