Oleksandr Gogilashvili: Ukraine continues the fight against drugs together with the UN Commission
The concern of the international community regarding the scale and growth trends of illicit production, demand, circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has led to the creation of a powerful tool to overcome this problem. The 63rd Session of the United Nations Commission on Drugs was held from 2 to 6 March in Vienna (Republic of Austria) to discuss global trends in the functioning of drug crime around the world, exchange of information on the “novelties” of the drug business and effective experience in combating those involved in these acts.
By the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky No. 62/2020 of March 04, 2020, a delegation of Ukraine was formed to participate in these events. The delegation was headed by First Deputy of the Ministry of Health Andriy Semyvolos, and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Oleksandr Gogilashvili was elected deputy of the delegation.
Also, the composition includes 8 more representatives of various departments, including Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the 1st Department for Combating Drug Crime of the National Police of Ukraine Serhiy Fedchenko and Deputy Head of the Department for Ensuring the Formation of State Policy in the Field of Drug Crime - Head of the Department of Analysis of Current Activities and Control Oleksiy Yakhno of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
“Starting in 2020 and the next three years, Ukraine is included in the United Nations Commission on Drugs and has the right to vote. Of course, this is an opportunity for our country to gain important experience to overcome the problem of drug addiction, adapt the legislation to international standards, as well as defend the interests of the state in the world political arena,” Oleksandr Gogilashvili noted.
It should be noted that at the 63rd session of the United Nations Commission on Drugs, the delegation of Ukraine proposed to create an international law enforcement committee to document illicit drug trafficking via the Internet and coordinate interaction between its representatives, which will include representatives of participating states from all over the world.