Results of the 2021 evaluation of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities

In fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of December 02, 2021 No. 209/37 “On the Organization of the Evaluation of Work on Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, including in the structural divisions of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, an evaluation of work on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities was carried out.

The evaluation was carried out according to the Methodology for the Evaluation of Work on Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Central Executive Bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 11.04.2018 № 294, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 24, 2018 under No. 496/31948 (hereinafter referred to as Methodology), by providing written answers to test tasks.

The results of the evaluation were summarized by the permanent working group formed by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of June 21, 2018 No. 523 “On the establishment of a permanent working group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the evaluation of the work on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities”, with amendments made by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of November 11 2020 No. 797 (from among representatives of the structural divisions of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GSC and public associations caring for the issues of persons with disabilities).

Employees of all structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took part in the evaluation of the work on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities.

According to the results of the evaluation, the overall average score for the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was 17.17.

As of 14.01.2022, according to the information provided, 982 persons were employed in the structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs involved in the evaluation, of which 34 persons with disabilities (including 21 employees have III disability group and 13 — II group of disability), which generally corresponds to the legislative workplace standards for the employment of persons with disabilities (four percent of the average number of full-time employees of the accounting department for the year). In the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this figure is 3.8 percent.


Appendix No. 1
Table of results of evaluation of work on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities for 2021