The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine presented a handbook on barrier-free

08.11.2021 12:49

Today, November 8, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko together with the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Barrierlessness Tatiana Lomakina presented the “Handbook of Barriers” to the heads of the Central District of Ukraine, whose activities are coordinated by the Ministry.

“Creating an unhindered environment for all groups of the population means ensuring equal opportunities for each person to exercise their rights, to receive services on a par with other citizens. Today, the Ministry is moving in a comprehensive way to solve the problems of inclusiveness. It is the integration of physical, digital, social, civic and information barriers into all areas of public policy. The document presented today will help us better communicate with Ukrainian society,” said Kateryna Pavlichenko.

The guide presented today fixes the new norms of barrier-free speech and is a guide to correct communication. It was presented to the government last week. In addition, a printed version of the “Handbook of Barriers” with elements of Braille will soon be released. Its release is scheduled for March 2022.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Photo by Mykola Anatsky








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