Payment of a fee for the issuance of a license
Payment of the fee for the issuance of a license is determined by Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Business Activities” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).
For the issuance of a license, a one-time fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum is charged, based on the amount of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is valid on the day of the licensing authority's decision to issue a license, unless a different amount of payment is established by law.
The fee for issuing a license is made by the licensee no later than ten working days from the date of making a record of the decision to issue a license in the license register.
The fee for granting a license in the part to which the licensee intends to expand its activities is charged as for obtaining a new license.
The fee for the narrowing of the conduct of the type of business activity subject to licensing is not charged.
License renewal is free of charge.
Non-payment of funds for the issuance of a license within a specified period is the basis for the licensing authority to decide to suspend the license in whole or in part.
The document confirming the payment of the fee for issuing a license is a copy of the receipt issued by the bank, a copy of the payment order with the bank's mark, a receipt from the payment terminal, a receipt (check) from the post office of communication.
The fee for issuing a license issued by the licensing authority is credited to the State Budget of Ukraine and is paid to the accounts of the territorial body of the State Treasury Service according to the budget revenue classification code 22011800 “Fee for licenses and certificates paid by licensees on the spot implementation of activities” with departmental sign “70" — Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (details for payment of fees are specified in the decision of the licensing authority).
Registration of the purpose of payment:
! 1 | ! 2 | ! 3 | ! 4 | ! 5 | ! 6 |
* | ; 118015 | ; 1000001 | 1; | ; 12345678 | ; * |
* | ; 118015 | ; 1000002 | 1; | ; 12345678 | ; * |
The payment code is indicated in the details “Purpose of payment” in the following format:
field No. 1: the symbol “*”
is indicated, which displays the sign of the start of the payment code;
field No. 2: the punctuation mark “;”
is indicated; the cipher of the body, unit in the system of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs (118015) is indicated;
field number 3: the punctuation mark “;”
is indicated; the service code in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
is indicated:
- 1000001 - for the conduct of security activities;
- 1000002 - for the conduct of economic activities for the production and repair of non-military firearms and their ammunition, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons of caliber over 4.5 millimeters and the speed of the bullet's flight of more than 100 meters per second, trade in non-military firearms and ammunition for it, cold weapons, pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet flight speed of more than 100 meters per second; production of special means charged with tear and irritant substances, personal protection, active defense and their sale”;
field number 4: a
punctuation mark “;” is indicated; the number of services payable
is indicated;
field number 5: the punctuation mark “;”
is indicated:
- in the case of payment by a legal entity or its separate units, the identification code of the legal entity is indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations; - in the case of payment by an individual entrepreneur, the registration number of the taxpayer's account card is indicated; (12345678 — example code of the person making the payment);
field number 6: the punctuation mark “;”
is indicated; the symbol “*” is indicated, which
displays the sign of the end of the payment code.
Receipt template with payment details
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Account details (by areas in xls format)