ANNOUNCEMENT of competitive selection for the position of Director of the State Enterprise “INFOTEH”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in accordance with the Procedure for conducting competitive selection of heads of enterprises of the public sector of the economy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 777 of 03.09.2008, announces the competitive selection for the position of Director of the State Enterprise “INFOTEH”.

Legal address of SE “INFOTEH”: 01021, m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 15.

Actual address of SE “INFOTEH”: 04050, m. Kyiv, str. Degtyarivska, 15-B.

The main areas of activity of the enterprise:

ensuring the functioning of software and technical complexes of information, information and telecommunication systems in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their modernization;

technical and technological support of creation, introduction, operation of software and information complexes;

development of intelligent management systems of electronic registers and databases (banks) of data;

development of regulatory and technical documentation for the creation and operation of automated systems, maintenance of electronic registers and databases (banks) of data;

printing activities, duplication of recorded information;

computer programming, consulting and related activities;

provision of information from information (automated) systems, electronic registers and databases (banks) of data;

certification of developed software and technical means and IT technologies;

development, replication, adaptation of software products, creation of local and global networks using various media;

creation of automated systems and their service;

provision of electronic digital signature services.

To participate in the competitive selection, the applicant personally submits and/or sends by e-mail to the commission the following documents:

Responsibility for the inaccuracy of the documents lies with the applicant.

Applications for participation in the competitive selection and other documents are accepted by the Competition Commission until 21.12.2018 inclusive.

Phone for references: (044) 254-9845 Vedernikova Anna Georgievna.

Documents are accepted at: 01061, m. Kyiv, str. Academician Bogomoletz, 10, or by e-mail: vе[email protected].

Period of competitive selection: from 22.12.2018 to 27.12.2018.

Date of publication of the results of the competitive selection: until 30.12.2018.

Place of competitive selection: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, city. Kyiv, str. Academician Bogomoletz, 10.

Requirements for the applicant and the tender offer.

Information regarding the financial and economic condition of the enterprise