The Ministry of Internal Affairs announces closed tenders for vacant positions of the public service category “B” of the Department of analytical work and organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In accordance with Articles 22, 23, 27 of the Law of Ukraine of December 10, 2015 No. 889-VIII “On the Civil Service” and the Procedure for Conducting a Competition for Public Service Positions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 25, 2016 No. 246, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces closed tenders for filling vacant civil service positions category “B” of the Department of analytical work and management organization (hereinafter - the competition), namely:

Chief Specialist of the Department of Monitoring Regional Problems of the Department of Monitoring of Sectoral and Regional Problems

Chief Specialist of the Department of Operational Information of the Department of Monitoring of Sectoral and Regional Problems

Chief Specialist of the Department of Analysis of the Current Security Situation of the Management of Analysis and Forecasting