Implosion, art therapy and body-oriented therapy
Hypoventia is a model of therapeutic, human-equine interaction that has combined different types of human-horse contact that have psychotherapeutic potential aimed at the development of the personality.
Military personnel and members of their families, together with a group of specialists from rehabilitation centers and under the supervision and support of psychologists, can prove from their own experience the effectiveness of flooding.
The main aspects of hippotherapy include:
- physical rehabilitation (increases muscle tone, coordination and body mobility);
- emotional support (interaction with horses helps reduce stress, increase self-belief and improve emotional state);
- psychological development (working with horses can help develop important skills such as self-confidence, self-control and concentration).
Hippotherapy improves a person's well-being through two factors: psychogenic and biomechanical. In particular, the biomechanical effect of hippotherapy occurs due to stimulation of the peripheral nervous system through the transmission of horse movements, and working with a professional psychologist allows you to calm down, feel safe.
Art therapy is of particular importance when working with military personnel, police officers, rescuers and their family members. This type of therapy helps to balance the emotional state, reduce stress levels and improve mental health.
Art therapy not only helps to establish mutual understanding with loved ones, but also makes it possible to talk about “difficult” topics, to work out the consequences of traumatic events. The psychologist directs the work so that therapy participants can restore inner balance, improve mental health, and minimize the negative effects of the traumatic experience. Psychologists also use auxiliary technologies: game, sand, theatrical, dance-motor, music, fairy tale, phototherapy.
Workshop participants describe their feelings and emotions differently. But agree on one thing — therapy works.
Body-oriented psychotherapy is a direction of psychotherapy that works with the psychological problems of clients through physical exercises and bodily contact procedures. The main objective of body-oriented psychotherapy is to establish the connection between thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations, to teach self-regulation practices and to activate internal resources.