Analysis of the audits carried out on the organization of work on the prevention and counteraction of corruption in 2021

In order to comply with subparagraph 7 of paragraph 1 of Section I of Appendix 2 to the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2020-2022, the Office for the Prevention of Corruption, together with the interested structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducted audits in 2021 on the organization of work on the prevention and counteraction of corruption in 18 entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, of which 16 institutions health services, 1 state enterprise and 1 institution. According to the results of the inspections, it was found that the work on preventing and combating corruption at the facilities where the inspections were carried out is carried out with

taking into account the requirements of the current legislation.

At the same time, there are shortcomings in the operation of these objects. Thus, according to the results of the inspections, the most common shortcomings can be identified, in particular, in part:

1) the absence in the Regulations on the Institution and/or in the Rules of Internal Labor Procedure of norms that provide for the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption;

2) inconsistency in the content of tasks and functions specified in the job description Authorised Person and Authorised Person Provisions as defined by the Standard Provisions on Authorised Unit (Authorised Person) for Prevention and Detection corruption, approved by the order of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of 27.05.2021 № 277/21;

3) non-compliance of the procedure for assessing corruption risks in the activities of the Institution with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation; 4) lack of specific deadlines for the implementation of measures to eliminate corruption risks, which makes it impossible to verify examine the state of their implementation; 5) improper organization of internal anti-corruption exercises; 6) inadequate compliance with legislation in the field

protection of whistleblowers;

7) failure to provide information on the official website of the Institution on all channels of notification of the facts of violation of the Anti-Corruption Program, the commission of corrupt or corruption-related offenses and information about the Authorized Person (full name, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers); 8) improper organization of work regarding the conduct of work corruption audits of business partners in the Institution; 9) lack of a clearly defined procedure and mechanisms for incentives

whistleblowers. According to the results of the identified shortcomings, the
members of the commission submitted proposals to responsible employees for their elimination. The results of the inspections will be used by the Department for the Prevention of Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in conducting

training and explanatory measures for anti-corruption authorized institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the spheres management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as during control inspections.