In accordance with the second part of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” in implementation of the Resolution of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 27.11.2020 to the report note of the Head of the Corruption Prevention Department dated 26.11.2020 № 38269/1801 “On the results of the meeting and seminar with the authorized persons on the prevention and detection of corruption of the system Ministry of Internal Affairs” and in connection with the regular assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during December 2020 — February 2021, an assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out.
In order to comprehensively and objectively address this issue, to involve in the evaluation process in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives of the public and experts who are aware of the internal and external environment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and have experience in its activities, information about the said decision of the Minister on December 17, 2020 is posted in the “News” section of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In connection with organizational and staff changes in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 298 of March 25, 2020 and No. 127 of February 17, 2021, the composition of the commission for assessing corruption risks and monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter — the commission), formed by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of January 04, 2017 No. 1, has been updated. The head of the commission is determined by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The commission consists of 37 people, in particular, representatives of 23 structural divisions of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (interregional territorial body for the provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as representatives of international and non-governmental organizations: Sologub O. IN. Shapka B. V. (representatives of the Consultative Mission of the European Union in Ukraine), Semydidko A. A. (member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
Representatives of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Academy of Internal Affairs, who provided the necessary information for the assessment of corruption risks, were also involved in the corruption risk assessment as experts.
Identification of corruption risks was carried out by research (analysis) of the external and internal environment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to identify corruption risk factors in regulatory acts and organizational and managerial activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In particular, carried out:
analysis of the acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which regulate the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and departmental regulations, in order to identify norms that facilitate/may contribute to the commission of a corruption offense or an offense related to corruption;
electronic survey of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and the public, in which 6,009 people took part (the survey was conducted in December 2020 — January 2021) ;
anonymous survey of scientists, employees of state bodies and representatives of the public, conducted during the V International Scientific-Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension” on the basis of NAVS, in which 1337 respondents took part (the survey was conducted in December 2020 — January 2021.).
The total number of respondents covered by the survey is more than 7.3 thousand people.
According to the results of the study carried out by the commission, taking into account the results of the 2020 assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following areas of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the functions of which were the objects of corruption risk assessment in 2021 were additionally identified:
- forensic expert activity;
- provision of administrative services (service services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
In accordance with the requirements of the Methodology for assessing corruption risks in the activities of the authorities, approved by the decision of the National Agency of December 02, 2016 No. 126, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 28, 2016 under No. 1718/29848, and the Working Plan for the Evaluation of Corruption Risks in the Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved appointed by the chairman of the commission for assessing corruption risks and monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on February 18, 2021, the commission identified corruption risks in the above-defined areas of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their formal definition was carried out and an assessment of the identified corruption risks was carried out.
Based on the results of the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following have been prepared: