In accordance with paragraph 21 of the first part of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” control over compliance by individuals and legal entities with special rules and the procedure for storing and using weapons, special means of personal protection and active defense, ammunition, explosives and materials, other objects, materials and substances to which the licensing system of internal bodies applies cases carried out by the police.
According to paragraph 2.1 of the Instructions on the procedure for the manufacture, acquisition, storage, accounting, transportation and use of firearms, pneumatic, cold and cooled weapons, devices of domestic production for firing cartridges equipped with rubber or similar in their properties non-lethal metal shells, and patches ammunition for them, as well as ammunition for weapons, main parts of weapons and explosives, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated August 21, 1998 No. 622, registered with the Ministry Law of Justice of Ukraine dated October 7, 1998 under No. 637/3077 (as amended), police bodies (units), implementing the permit system, decide to grant business entities engaged in activities in the production, repair, trade in non-military weapons, ammunition for it, special means, permits, in particular, for the purchase, storage, transportation (across the customs border of Ukraine, through the territory of Ukraine, transit through the territory of Ukraine) of firearms, ammunition for it, main parts of weapons, cold, chilled, pneumatic weapons; devices and cartridges to them; explosives and substances.
Transportation of dangerous goods by road through the territory of Ukraine must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine “On the carriage of dangerous goods”, “On the accession of Ukraine to the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road” and the Rules of Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods, approved Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of August 04, 2018 No. 656 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
According to paragraph 2 of Chapter II of the Rules, the powers of the National Police of Ukraine include, in particular, the approval of the routes of movement of vehicles during the road transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with subsection 1.9.3 b of Appendix A to the DPO.
In accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On the permitting system in the sphere of economic activity” and “On the List of documents of a permitting nature in the sphere of economic activity”, the approval of the routes of movement of vehicles during the road transportation of dangerous goods is a document of a permitting nature, and its execution under the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Services” is an administrative service according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 16, 2014 No. 523, can be provided exclusively through administrative service centers.