USER AGREEMENT of the mobile application “WINGS”

This Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) governs the relationship between the Owner of the “WINGS” mobile
application and an individual who has duly joined this Agreement (hereinafter - the User) to obtain the right to use the “WINGS” mobile application (hereinafter - the Mobile App). 1.2.
In the Agreement, the following terms have the following meaning:
a) Owner of the Mobile Application — Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
b) Administrator of Mobile Application — State Enterprise “INFOTEH”, EDRPOU code 34239034;
c) Mobile App — an application called “WINGS”, available for download via the App Store for mobile devices based on iOS and through Google Play for mobile devices based on Android; d) User is any natural person who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and uses
services of the Mobile App;
e) Service — the ability of the User, who may suffer or have suffered from domestic violence, through a mobile phone, thanks to the hidden useful functionality of the Mobile Application, to apply for help to the National Police of Ukraine (hereinafter — NPU) or to provide other information and advisory services. f) Tsunami — system of centralized management uniforms of the patrol service, which includes service 102, dispatcher, operational duty body (unit) of the police. 1.3.

The User agrees to comply with the terms of this Agreement, by registering in the Mobile Application and using any service of the Mobile Application. Use of the Mobile Application means full acceptance by the User of the terms of the Agreement without any reservations and exceptions. 1.4.
The Agreement, taking into account all changes and additions, is posted for general information on the official website of the Owner of the Mobile Application. The User, using the services of the Mobile Application, automatically agrees to the changes to the Agreement without receiving any separate confirmation of this. 1.5.
The purpose of the Mobile Application is:
a. disseminating information about available services and services for victims of violence;
b. increasing the level of recognition of violence;
c. seeking help in case of domestic violence; d. informing about possible actions in the event of a situation of violence. 2.


2.1. In accordance with Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, this Agreement is a treaty of accession. The Owner of the Mobile Application grants the User the rights to access and use the Mobile Application under the terms of this Agreement. 2.2.
Implementation (execution) by the User of authorization in the Mobile Application (including setting the corresponding mark in the field “I accept the conditions”) and further use of any of the functions or services of the Mobile Application constitutes the complete and undisputed agreement of the User with the terms of the Agreement, amendments and additions thereto and indicates the conclusion of the Agreement between the Owner of the Mobile Application and User. In case of disagreement of the User with the terms of the Agreement, the use of the Mobile Application shall be terminated and the Mobile Application deleted. 2.3.
When registering, the User is obliged to provide reliable information about himself when filling out the relevant registration form. 2.4.
In the event that the User provides inaccurate information during registration or when using the services of the Mobile Application, the Owner of the Mobile Application or the Administrator of the Mobile Application has the right to suspend or cancel the account (registration) of the User without prior notice or obtaining any consent of the User. 2.5.
In the event that the actions of the User may lead to a violation of any norms of law, human rights, as well as the possibility of claims against the Owner of the Mobile Application or the involvement of the Owner of the Mobile Application responsible for the actions of such User, the Owner of the Mobile Application or the Administrator of the Mobile Application has the right to suspend or cancel the operation of the User's account (registration) without prior notification or receipt of any consent from the User. 2.6.
Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, the Owner of the Mobile Application undertakes to take all necessary measures provided for by the legislation of Ukraine for the protection of personal data transmitted to the Owner of the Mobile Application and/or to the Administrator of the Mobile Application when registering the User in the Mobile Application and during its use. 2.7.
The User consents to the processing of personal data by registering in the Mobile Application and using any service of the Mobile Application. 2.8.
The Administrator of the Mobile Application has the right to delete the User's account if it is not used by the User within 12 calendar months. 2.9.
Registration of the User in the Mobile Application is carried out after authorization, by electronic identification through ID.GOV.UA. At the same time, the User is responsible for the reliability of his own password and the protection of his account. 2.10.

In case of access by a third party to the User's account, the Owner of the Mobile Application and the Administrator of the Mobile Application shall not be liable for any consequences that may or may arise as a result of the User's loss of access to their own account. 2.11.
The User independently ensures the storage of information about their passwords and is responsible for the consequences of their loss or distribution. 3.
All issues related to the processing and protection of personal data of Users are governed by the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data” and a separate Notice on the Processing of Personal Data, posted on the official website of the Owner of the Mobile Application. 4.


Using the Mobile Application, the User is able to:
− maintain an ovulation/menstruation schedule; − apply for help in case of domestic violence:
a. send an alarm or report an offense to a police body (unit);

b. obtain contact information and the location of the nearest authorities (units) of the police and other entities acts involved, in accordance with the law, in the prevention and counteraction of domestic violence and the provision of medical care in map according to the geolocation of the User of the Mobile Application. 4.2.
The Administrator of the Mobile Application is not responsible and does not assume any obligations to the Users regarding the services of the Mobile Application and the information provided by the User for the use of the Mobile Application services.

The Owner of the Mobile Application and the Administrator of the Mobile Application are not responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the information provided by the User for the use of the Mobile Application services. The Administrator of the Mobile Application does not check the information posted by the User. 5.2.
When using the Mobile Application, the User has no right to store, place, transmit or otherwise distribute any information and/or intellectual property rights that may lead to a violation of the rights of third parties, including the rights to the protection of personal data. 5.3.
The User uses any materials and information that is obtained using the services of the Mobile Application at his own discretion.

The mobile application, any of its components are the property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. 6.2.
This Agreement does not provide for any rights or permissions to the User to use the Mobile Application in any way, except in the ways provided by the functionality of the Mobile Application. 6.3.
The mobile application is provided for use by the User on an “as is” basis. The Owner of the Mobile Application and the Administrator of the Mobile Application do not assume guarantees regarding the uninterrupted operation of the Mobile Application services, the timeliness and accuracy of their work in order to confirm any facts, as well as the compliance of the Mobile Application services with the objectives of the User.

The Owner of the Mobile Application and the Administrator of the Mobile Application shall not be liable for any damage to life and health, any direct and/or indirect damages, material and/or intangible damage, liabilities or losses incurred as a result of the User's use or non-use of the information posted in the Mobile Application, as well as when using services of the Mobile Application, and which may be caused by incomplete or untimely provision of information services by the Mobile Application; the inability to access the services or use them; failure to provide or improper provision of services to the User, including by any third parties; any actions or inactions of such third parties as a result of any use of the Mobile Application. 7.2.
The Owner of the Mobile App and the Administrator of the Mobile App do not guarantee permanent or unconditional access to the Services of the Mobile App. The functioning of the Mobile Application may be disrupted by the actions of force majeure and other factors, the prevention or overcoming of which is beyond the capabilities of the Owner of the Mobile Application and the Mobile Application Administrator.

. The agreement is regulated and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Issues not settled by this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Disputes and disagreements that may arise in connection with the implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine. Date of the current edition: 22.02.2022 INFORMATION ABOUT THE OWNER:


code according to the Taxpayer's number 00032684

01601, Kyiv, str. Akademika Bogomolets, 10

tel. +38 044 253 64 04



State Enterprise “INFOTEH”

code under Taxpayer's number 34239034

04050, m. Kyiv, str. Dehtiarivska, 15 B

Email: [email protected]

tel. +38 044 363 43 34