Regulatory acts on the prevention and counteraction of domestic violence

Law of Ukraine of 20 June 2022
“On the Ratification of
the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Combating These Phenomena”;

Law of Ukraine of January 04, 2018 (as amended)
“On Prevention and Countering
Domestic Violence”;

Decree of the President of Ukraine of September 21, 2020 No. 398/2020
“On urgent measures to prevent and combat domestic violence, gender-based violence, protection of the rights of persons affected by such violence”;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 22, 2018 No. 655 (as amended)
“On Approval
of the Standard Provision on Asylum for Persons Affected by Domestic Violence and/or Gender Violence”;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 22, 2018 No. 658 (as amended)
“On Approval of the
Procedure for Interaction of Entities Implementing Measures in the Field of Prevention and Counteraction of Domestic Violence and Gender Violence”;

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 10, 2018 No. 728-r (as amended)
“On Approval of the Concept of the State Social Program for the Prevention
and Combation of Domestic Violence and Gender Violence for the Period Until 2025”;

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 21, 2021 No. 361-r of April 21, 2021 No. 361-r
“On approval of the plan of emergency measures to prevent and combat
domestic violence, gender-based violence, protection of the rights of persons affected by such violence”;

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of August 01, 2018 № 654
“On approval of the Procedure for issuing by authorized units of
the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine an urgent prohibition order in relation to the offender”;

Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated March 13, 2011 No.
369/180 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting Risk Assessment of
Domestic Violence”.