Announcement № 6 of 18.11.2022 on the results of the competition for the purchase of apartments in the secondary market of the GUNP in the Kiev region

The Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kiev region held the third competition for the purchase of apartments on the secondary market in the Kiev region to provide housing for police officers and employees of the Civil Service of Ukraine in the Kiev region. The purchase of apartments is carried out in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 16, 2011 No. 147. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine. Subject of

purchase: two apartments, in settlements, which are located at a distance of up to 15 km from the city limits

Kyiv. The

condition of the apartments offered for purchase must be suitable for living, construction work carried out in accordance with norms, standards and rules and meet the requirements of the tender documentation.

Date of publication and number of the announcement of the competition:
newspaper “Government Courier” dated November 05, 2022 № 237 (7358); official website Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine ( from 03.11.2022. Disclosure of tender offers took place at 11.00 on November 16, 2022 at:

Str. Vladimirskaya, 15, m. Kyiv.

Information about the results of the third competition: the winner of the competition is the natural

person Oranyuk A.L. (TIN 3261601343) with an offer of one-room apartment with a total area of 41.1 sq.m. The winner of the competition is recognized as an individual Fedorenko I.V.
(TIN 3558106339) with the offer of a two-room apartment with a total area of 52.7 sq.m.

Head of the Competition Commission