Announcement on the selection of proposals for the purchase of housing for employees of the State Institution of Professional (Vocational) Education with special conditions of study “Zhytomyr Police Academy”

  1. Customer:
    1.1 Name:
    State institution of vocational (vocational) education with special conditions of training “Zhytomyr Police Academy”. 1.2 Identification code: 40205385. 1.3 Location: 10029, m.

    Zhytomyr, str. Knyazov Ostrozhki, 112/A.
    1.4 Officials of the customer authorized to communicate with the participants:
    - the head of the competitive commission for the purchase of housing on the terms of equity participation and on the secondary market of the State Institution of Professional (Vocational and Technical) Education with special conditions of study “Zhytomyr Police Academy” - Bugayov Sergey Fedorovich. - member of the competitive commission for the purchase of housing on the terms of equity participation and on the secondary market of the State Institution of Professional (vocational) Education with special conditions of study”
    Zhytomyr Police Academy” - Artemenko Anait Vaganivna, (097) -024-87-80 1.5 Manager of funds: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
  2. Source of funding: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine.
  3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:,,
  4. Information on the selection of proposals:
    4.1 Name of the subject of purchase:
    purchase of apartments in the city. Zhytomyr, to provide housing for employees of the State Institution of Professional (Vocational and Technical) Education with special conditions of study “Zhytomyr Police Academy”. Description of the subject of purchase: - in the city.

    Zhytomyr one bedroom apartment;
  5. Term of purchase (delivery) of apartments: until September 15, 2023.
  6. Offer validity: 30 calendar days.
  7. Submission of proposal:
    7.1 Place: m. Zhytomyr, str. Knyazov Ostrozhki, 112/A, State Institution of Professional (Vocational and Technical) Education with special conditions of study “Zhytomyr Police Academy”, 1st floor - Department of Organizational and Analytical Support. 7.2 Term: until August 01, 2023. 7.3 Time: until 17:30 h 7.4 Disclosure of proposals: m.

    Zhytomyr, str. Knyazov Ostroh Street, 112/A, State Institution of Professional (Vocational and Technical) Education with Special Conditions of Study “Zhytomyr Police Academy” (Collegial Hall). 7.5 Date: 02 August 2023. 7.6 Time: 11:00 a.m.

  8. Additional information: the documentation is posted on the website,, Procurement volumes may be changed taking into account the actual financing of the Customer's expenses. Information by phone: 097-024-87-80

  9. Competition Documentation
Head of the Competition Commission   Serhiy BUHAYOV