Announcement №7 on the holding of the competition for the purchase of housing in the secondary market by the State Institution “Service Center of the National Police of Ukraine” dated 30.11.2022

1. Customer:
1.1 Name:
State Institution “Service Center of Units of the National Police of Ukraine”.
1.2 Identification code according to the Unified State Tax Code: 40108981. 1.3 Legal address: ul.
Akademika Bogomolets, 10, m. Kyiv, 01601.
1.4 Officials of the customer authorized to communicate with participants: secretary of the commission — Oleksandr Oleksiiovych Romaniuk (tel. 403-06-12, 068-956-95-39, 093-457-24-72 ([email protected]); member of the commission - head of VPODM of the State Administrative Service of Ukraine “Central Office of the National Police of Ukraine” Branets Serhii Vasylovych (tel. 363-24-14, 068-399-01-50, 050-736-22-67). 1.5 Chief Financial Officer: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

2. Source of funding: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase: (,

4. Information on the selection of proposals:
4.1 Name of the subject of purchase: competition for the purchase of housing in the secondary market of the State Institution “Service Center of Units of the National Police of Ukraine”
4.2 Acquisition of housing for police officers, civil servants and employees of interregional territorial bodies of the National Police of Ukraine and the State Institution “Center for the Service of National Units Police of Ukraine”, as well as the central management body. 4.3 Description of the subject of the competition or its parts: Lot 1:15

one-room apartments in the city. Kyiv, secondary market;
Lot 2:45 two-room apartments in the city. Kyiv, secondary market; 5.

Period of purchase (delivery) of apartments: until 22.12.2022, until 18:00 hours

6. Offer validity: 30 calendar days.

7. Submission of proposals:
7.1 Place: str. Svyatoshynska, 27, m. Kyiv, 03115, State Institution “Service Center of Units of the National Police of Ukraine”, Cabinet No. 37, Secretary of the Commission — Leading Specialist of the Department for Leasing of State Property Romaniuk O.O. 7.2 Term: until 12.12.2022. 7.3 Time: until 10:00 hours.

8. Disclosure of offers: ul. Svyatoshynska, 27, m. Kyiv, 03115, State Institution “Service Center of Units of the National Police of Ukraine”, meeting hall. 8.1 Date: 12.12.2022. 8.2 Time: 11:00 hours.

9. Additional information: the tender documentation on the purchase of housing in the secondary market of the State Institution “Service Center of Units of the National Police of Ukraine” is posted on the website (,
9.1 Apartments proposed for purchase must be located in residential buildings, which at the time of submission of tender proposals have been put into operation and built within the last 8 years, in which all the work provided for by the project documentation in accordance with building codes, standards and rules has been completed.
Procurement volumes may be changed taking into account the actual financing of the Customer's expenses.

Information by phone: (044) 403-06-12, 363-24-14.

Head of the Competition Commission

