Announcement № 4 on the results of the competition for the purchase of housing in the secondary market to provide housing for ordinary and senior staff of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Chernihiv region

  1. Customer:
    1.1. Name: Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Chernihiv Oblast (Region); 1.2.
    Identification code according to the EDRPOU: 38590042; 1.3.
    Location: Ukraine, 14037, m. Chernihiv, prospekt Mira 190A 1.4.
    Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants: Head of the housing sector Tarasova Tatiana Gennadievna (0462)
    652549 1.5.
    Chief funds manager: State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
    2. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine. 3. The address of the websites on which the customer posts information about the competition:, 4. Information about the subject of the competition is defined in the announcement No.
    3, made public on the websites, and in the newspaper “7 Days-Chernihiv News” from 24

    November 2022
    № 36 (1087).
    Disclosure of tender offers took place on 05.12.2022 at 14-30 at the address: m. Chernihiv, 190A Mira Avenue
    , room 234
    5. Information about the results of the competition: 5.1.
    Lavrenyuk Anatoliy Gavrilovich was recognized as the winner of lot No. 1. Chairman of the competition commission Serhiy VISHNYAK

Dec 09, 2022