INFORMATION on the state of implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the first quarter of 2016 of the measures of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (Anticorruption Strategy) for 2015 - 2017


on the state of implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the first quarter of 2016 of the measures of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (
Anticorruption Strategy) for 2015 - 2017 (hereinafter — the Program)

No. of sales/n

Name of the event Program

Responsible for the implementation

defined by the

Term of execution specified by the Program

Program Defined Performance Indicator

Status of Program Actions

I. Formation and implementation of state anti-corruption policy


Establishment of an institutional mechanism for forming and monitoring the implementation of the state anti-corruption policy, in particular launching the work of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) to promote the active activities of the National Council on Anti-Corruption Policy


1) taking measures to ensure the commencement of the Agency's work:






m) ensuring the conclusion of agreements on ensuring the Agency's access to information databases of state bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government bodies

relevant central and local executive bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government bodies

novembre 2015

Transaction concluded

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Unified State Demographic Register and Documents Confirming Citizenship of Ukraine, Identity or Its Special Status”, the Agency's access to the information databases of the DMS will be ensured after the creation of a departmental information system with its connection to the National Confidential Communication System of Ukraine and the creation of a comprehensive information protection system with confirmation compliance for the processing of confidential information. Also, the Administration of the State Border Guard Service is ready to connect the Agency to the departmental information database. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine is working on possible technical solutions for ensuring the Agency's direct access to departmental information databases. In

addition, on August 29, 2015, an agreement on information cooperation and organization of interaction between the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine was concluded on August 29, 2015.


n) ensuring the Agency's direct access to the information databases of state bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government bodies

relevant central and local executive bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government bodies

until January 1, 2016

Agency access to information databases is ensured


2) ensuring the implementation by the Agency of the entire complex of functions in the sphere of state anti-corruption policy:






b) improving the efficiency of the work of the authorized units (authorized persons) on the prevention and detection of corruption, in particular

analysis of the work of authorized units (authorized persons)

central and local executive bodies

central and local executive bodies

December 2016

June 2016

in the bodies that adopt anti-corruption programs, a system of authorized units (authorized persons) has been established, capable of ensuring the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” in accordance with the Agency's report, a report on the results of the analysis has been prepared

In connection with the reorganization in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in November 2015, an independent structural unit — the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Lustration was formed, which is an authorized unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs apparatus for the prevention and detection of corruption. The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 22.12.2015 No. 1613 approved the Regulation on Management, which is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the subheading “Normative and organizational and administrative documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the prevention of corruption, methodological materials” of the heading

“Prevention of corruption”. In addition

, in the National Guard of Ukraine, the central executive bodies whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs, authorized units for the prevention and detection of corruption have also been formed.

ii. Preventing Corruption

Creation of a virtuous public service


Establishing an effective system for identifying, preventing and resolving conflicts of interest


5) ensuring, on the basis of the results of the analysis of corruption risks, monitoring compliance with the law on the conflict of interest and bringing to justice persons guilty of its violation, as well as compensation for damage caused by decisions adopted in conditions of conflict of interest or actions committed under such conditions

central and local executive bodies

2016-2017 years

statistical data on the identified facts of conflict of interest, prosecution, compensation for damage caused in the conditions of conflict of interest, prepared

Employees of the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the carrying out of explanatory measures on the requirements for filling out declarations on property, income, expenses and obligations of a financial nature, organized to fulfill the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs management, also drew the attention of the declaration subjects to comply with the requirements of the anti-theft requirements constitutional law in terms of prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest and liability for non-compliance with these requirements. This explanation covers about

400 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

1000 employees of the National Police and 70 employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the city. Kyiv;

200 employees of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service and 200 employees of the personnel services of territorial bodies and educational institutions of the State Border Guard Service.

In addition, the NAS prepared a draft of a methodological letter on explaining the concept of conflict of interest for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for employees and employees of the National Guard of Ukraine, central executive bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs. After refinement, the specified letter will be sent for use in work for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

I'm 12.

Creation of a mechanism for the protection of persons who assist in preventing and combating corruption (whistleblower)


3) Ensuring the possibility to make reports of corruption, in particular through special telephone lines, official websites, electronic means of communication

state bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government

January 2016

mechanisms for submitting reports of corruption in state bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies have been established

On the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the heading “Prevention of corruption” a subsection “Feedback” has been created, in which visitors are invited to notify the “line of trust” by e-mail to the address: [email protected], in case they became aware of the facts of violation of anti-corruption legislation by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as employees of the National Guard of Ukraine and bodies controlled by the Minister. On the official website

The website of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is currently operating in a test mode, has been introduced a section “Anti-corruption”, which contains information on preventing corruption and purging the authorities. In the section, in particular, there is information on possible ways to inform about the facts of corruption detected by citizens: in writing at the address: m.
Kyiv, str. Lukyanivska, 62, 04071; to the e-mail box [email protected].

The official website of the National Guard of Ukraine has a trust phone number, online consultation is provided, the section “Prevention of corruption” has been created, in particular, the subheadings “Anti-corruption” Operational measures”, “Contacts”, “Report corruption”. The National Police of Ukraine opened a SLL center at the phone number 0-800-50-02-02. Currently, citizens from all regions

states will be able to report illegal actions of police officers; find out about the progress of consideration of submitted applications; receive background information. The SLL Center operates around the clock. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine and its territorial units provide an opportunity to file reports on corruption,

in particular through special telephone lines, official websites, electronic communication tools. In order to realize the right of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons to submit proposals for improving the activities of DMC Ministry of Ukraine, to expose shortcomings in work and to challenge the actions of officials in territorial units at stands

with consultative and reference information is provided about communication channels with the sector of prevention and detection of corruption of the DMS, in particular in Ukrainian, Russian and English. It is

also provided the possibility of filing corruption reports by mail or in person (orally) during the personal reception of citizens according to the schedule of the Reception of Citizens of the SMS, according to the schedule of personal reception citizens by the management of the DMS at the address: 01001, m. Kyiv, str. Vladimirskaya, 9, at the telephone number “hotline” of the DMS (044) 278-50-30, through the Skype social application and to the e-mail: [email protected]. The specified information is posted on the official website of the DMS and the official websites of the territorial bodies of the DMS. The Order of the Head of the State DMS dated 04.04.2016 № D/62/1-16 instructed the heads of the GUDMS, UDMS in the regions and the city of Kyiv to bring to the attention of all SMS employees information about the implementation of the e-mail box [email protected] in the DMS apparatus, to which the employees will be able to inform about facts of illegal registration of passports of a citizen of Ukraine, a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad or documenting foreigners, other violations of the current legislation. In the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

mechanisms have been created for submitting citizens' applications, including anonymous messages received by electronic means, as well as on the telephone of the Dovira departmental service.

Prevention of corruption in the activities of executive bodies

He's 14.

Implementation of a systemic approach to the prevention of corruption in executive and local self-government bodies based on the results of analysis of corruption risks


1) implementation of anti-corruption programs in executive bodies in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”:






b) ensuring the approval of anti-corruption programs in the central and local executive bodies

Agency, central and local executive bodies

every year until March 1

the program is approved in all executive bodies in accordance with the law

The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 29.02.2016 No. 142 approved the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2016, which is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the subheading “Anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and information on the results of its implementation” of the heading “Prevention of Corruption”, and approved the composition of the coordination commission and monitoring of the Anti-Corruption Program. On April 7, 2016, a meeting of the commission was held, which considered the state of implementation in the first quarter of the current year of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2016. In addition, it was agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and approved

own anti-corruption programs in the National Guard of Ukraine (order of 22.03.2016 № 166), the National Police of Ukraine (order of 22.03.2016 № 231), the State Border Service of Ukraine (order of 29.02.2016 № 98AG), the State Emergency Service (order from 01.03.2016 № 96), which are posted on official websites by the specified state bodies. The SMS program is approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is under consideration by the Head of the SMS.

I'm 15.

Elimination of prerequisites for committing corruption offenses during the implementation of administrative procedures


2) Implementation of practical measures to eliminate corruption factors in administrative procedures, including ensuring:






a) the development of integrated transparent offices − centers for the provision of administrative services

Ministry of Economic Development, other central and local executive bodies


a network of integrated transparent offices was created, in particular in 2015 − offices were established in cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 28.10.2015 No. 889 “On the formation of territorial bodies for the provision of service services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, regional service centers for the provision of service services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been established in each region. Currently, 147 territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs operate, which are part of 26 regional service centers service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the activities of which are coordinated by the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, today, measures are being carried out to form mobile service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

, which will provide services in remote and mountainous areas of the country, as well as in areas where there are no territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also on 14.07.2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft Law of Ukraine “On Service Services and Service Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” (register No. 2567 of 06.06.2015 04.2015).

This draft law is supposed to streamline the list of service, including administrative, services and determine a clear procedure for their provision through the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs formed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Main Center for the provision of service services and territorial centers for the provision of service services). In addition, the State Emergency Service has simplified the form of declaration compliance of the entity's material and technical base with the requirements of the legislation on fire safety, which will be used by integrated transparent offices — centers during

implementation of the administrative procedure for registration of such a declaration.


b) determination, based on the results of the implementation of pilot projects, of the feasibility of transferring to local self-government authorities the powers to provide basic administrative services, in particular regarding registration of residence and issuance of identity documents, registration of business entities and rights to real estate, registration of vehicles and issuance of driver's licenses

Ministry of Justice, Ministry
of Internal Affairs,
other central and local executive bodies

september 2015

authority for the provision of basic administrative services transferred to local self-government bodies

The Draft Law of Ukraine “On Service Services and Service Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” (No. 2567), adopted on July 14, 2015 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the first reading, provides for the transfer of authority to local self-government bodies for the provision of basic administrative services, in particular, regarding the registration of vehicles and the issuance of driver's licenses effective January 1, 2018. The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.09.2015 No. 1031 amended the Appendix to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.05.2014 № 523 “Some

the issue of the provision of administrative services to the executive authorities through the centers for the provision of administrative services”, according to which the administrative services of the DMS, listed in the list approved by this order, will be provided both through the relevant centers for the provision of administrative services and directly by the territorial bodies of the SMS (until completion material and technical support of centers). The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 10.12.2015 adopted the Law of Ukraine No. 888-VIII “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Expansion of Powers

bodies of local self-government and optimization of the provision of administrative services (entered into force on 29.12.2015), according to which, from 04.04.2016, the powers in the field of registration/deregistration of the place of residence/stay of individuals are delegated to local self-government bodies (executive body of rural, village or city of the council, the village head (in the case where the executive body of the village council is not established in accordance with the law) as the registration authorities carrying out the registration/deregistration of the place of residence/stay of individuals in the territory of the relevant administrative and territorial unit to which the powers of the relevant village, village or city council are extended. On

02.03.2016, the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the recognition of the decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of 9 October 2013 No. 1000 and of October 22, 2014 No. 1017” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 207 “On Approval of the Rules for Registration of the Place of Residence and the Procedure for Transferring Information by Registration Authorities to the Unified State Demographic Register”, the drafts of which were developed by the DMS in fulfillment of paragraph 3 of the order Prime Minister of Ukraine from 11.01.2016 № 52170/1/1-15 to subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 5 of section II “Final and transitional provisions” of the Law of Ukraine No. 888-VIII.

I'm 16.

Strengthening the capacity to fight corruption in state-owned enterprises, in business companies (in which the state share exceeds 50%)


1) Assurance:






a) approval of anti-corruption programs and appointment of authorized persons at state-owned enterprises, in business companies (in which the state share exceeds 50 percent) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”

relevant central executive bodies

every year until April 1

program approved, authorized persons appointed

The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 15.01.2016 No. 23 obliges the heads of all institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to develop, coordinate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and approve their own anti-corruption programs. In order to ensure the implementation of this order, the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a methodology recommendations on the development of anti-corruption programs, which are posted in the subsection “Information and reference materials” of the heading “Prevention of corruption” of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

when coordinating the programs of subordinate institutions, the attention of their managers is drawn to the need to place these programs on their own official websites.

Ensuring access to socially important information

I'm 20.

Reducing opportunities for corruption by increasing transparency of decision-making and providing access to information


4) analysis of the availability of public registers containing socially important information, submission of proposals for disclosure of data contained in such registers, taking into account the requirements of legislation on the protection of personal data, facilitating access (including by reducing the cost)

central executive bodies

March 2016

Proposals for amendments to the legislation submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

At the meeting of the Government on March 25, 2016, Resolution No. 260 “Some issues of providing information about registered vehicles and their owners” was adopted, developed by specialists of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine together with the interested structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and central executive bodies. Also, in accordance with the Procedure for Maintaining the Register the register of certified emergency and rescue services, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 13.11.2014 № 1213, the register of certified emergency and rescue services (hereinafter referred to as the Register),

is published in the public domain on the official website of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the section “Administrative Services”.

In addition, a draft order of the SMS “On approval of the List of datasets published in the form of open data in the SMS” has been developed, which provides for the placement on the official website of the DMS of the register of datasets in the form of a systematic list of datasets, which allows you to identify each of the published datasets, obtain their main parameters, including hyperlinks, to access a set of data on the Internet.

Also, the order provides for the persons responsible for its implementation to comply with the requirements of the third part of Article 10 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” regarding the disclosure of datasets containing personal data of an individual. A draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On Approval of the Procedure for Obtaining by Direct Access by State Authorities

has been developed authority of information from the Unified State Demographic Register”, which establishes the mechanism for providing information from the Unified State demographic register to state authorities, including NABU, through direct access to the Register in order to provide them with reliable information on documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine, identity card or its special status, which are issued and issued by means of this Register.


Head of the Department of Prevention of Corruption and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine A.B.
