Information on the results of operational and service activities in the field of anti-corruption in the first quarter of 2016

on the results of operational and service activities in the field of anti-corruption in the first quarter of 2016


In implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” units of the National Police of Ukraine are taking a set of measures aimed at implementing effective mechanisms for reducing the level of corruption in the state in accordance with the principles of the Anti-Corruption Strategy approved by the Law of Ukraine of October 14, 2014 No. 1699-VII “On the Fundamentals of State Anti-Corruption policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2015-2017”.

Thus, during 3 months of 2016, 2019 criminal offenses in the field of official activity were documented, including 583 - official forgeries, 238 facts of obtaining ill-gotten benefits, 193 - official negligence, 151 - related to abuse of power or official position, 12 - abuse of official authority by the person of a legal entity of private law, regardless of the organizational and legal form, 3 — abuse of authority by persons providing public services and 1 — excess of power or official authority.

769 employees were reported suspected of committing criminal offenses, among which 370 - officials of government and management bodies, 217 - regulatory bodies.

These employees (769) are involved in the commission of 633 criminal offenses in the sphere of official activity. Among them: 62 - heads of government and management bodies, including 5 heads of structural units of regional administrations and 15 heads of structural units of district state administrations.

712 criminal proceedings were sent to the court with the indictment.

Since the beginning of the year, 238 cases of obtaining illegal benefits have been documented, every third of which (70) with significant amounts, including 12 — more than 100 thousand hryvnias.

207 persons were reported suspected of receiving improper benefits, of which 107 employees of the authorities and 73 of the supervisory bodies, including 2 employees of the State Fiscal Service, 11 — the State Fiscal Service and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as 3 judges.

It is documented that officials received illegal benefits totaling more than UAH 6 million.

For example, in the Kherson region, the director of LLC “Khersonmiskbud” was detained “hot” while receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of 225 thousand US dollars for not obstructing the activities of the cooperative and fulfilling the terms of the contract.

In Kyiv region, the Arbitration Manager was exposed, who demanded and received an illegal benefit in the amount of UAH 1.2 million for concluding a contract for the sale and sale of property of the bankrupt LLC “Trident Agro”.

In Ternopil region, the chairman of the Kozov district court, the head of the Kozov department of the Terebovshena local prosecutor's office and a lawyer received an illegal benefit in the amount of 2 thousand US dollars for deciding to reject the petition to cancel the probationary period.

In the Donetsk region, the deputy chairman of the Ilyichev district court of the city of Mariupol received an illegal benefit in the amount of 1 thousand US dollars for making a court decision on the recognition of ownership of the household in the order of inheritance.

In Odesa region, a judge of the Malinovsky District Court of the city of Odessa and a lawyer were accused of receiving illegal benefits in the amount of UAH 500 thousand for making a positive decision on debt collection in the amount of UAH 1.6 million on receipt.

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the First Deputy Chairman of the Kosiv District State Administration demanded an illegal benefit in the amount of UAH 88 thousand and was detained “hot” while receiving its part in the amount of UAH 28 thousand in the form of 10% “rollback” from the amount of concluded contracts for the performance of works for budget funds on major repairs of the road surface in the settlements of the district.

The Deputy Head of the Department of Environmental Control of Land Resources for the Management of Waste and Hazardous Chemicals of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine was exposed in the city of Kyiv during the receipt of illegal benefits in the amount of UAH 66 thousand for signing and approving the acts of examination of green spaces to be issued Lending.

In Zhytomyr region, the chairman of the Korostyshiv District State Administration received an illegal benefit in the amount of 1 thousand US dollars for assistance in making a decision to change the target purpose of a land plot for agricultural purposes.

122 criminal proceedings were sent to the court with the indictment.

Along with the fight against criminal corruption, measures are taken to document administrative corruption offenses.

This year, the courts reviewed and decided on 110 administrative protocols on corruption.

96 employees were brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine, of which 35 deputies of village, village, city, district councils, 17 officials of local self-government, 8 officials of 4 categories, 9 officials of 5-7 categories, 2 officials of district state administrations, 1 official of the fiscal service and Armed Forces of Ukraine, 27 officials of legal entities of public law, an additional measure of punishment - confiscation, has been applied to 1.

Activities aimed at improving the organization of work on the detection of corruption offenses, ensuring unconditional implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, continue and are under the constant supervision of the leadership of the National Police of Ukraine.


Department of Economic Protection of the National Police of Ukraine