Prevention of corruption - “On the approval of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2016”




February 29, 2016, m. Kyiv № 142


About the approval of the Anti-Corruption

programs of the Ministry of the Interior

affairs of Ukraine for 2016


In accordance with Chapter 3 of the Principles of State Anti-Corruption Policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2014-2017, approved by the Law of Ukraine No. 1699-VII of October 14, 2014, and in compliance with paragraph 14 of Chapter II of the State Program on the Implementation of the Principles of State Anti-Corruption Policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2015-2017, approved by the Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.04.2015 № 265,




1. Approve:

1) Anticorruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Program), attached;

2) composition of the Commission for Coordination and Monitoring of the Anticorruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2016, which is attached.

2. National Police (Dekanoidze H.), Administration of the State Border Service (Nazarenko V.O.), State Emergency Service (Chechotkin M.O.), State Migration Service (Sokoliuk M.Yu.), Main Department of the National Guard (Allerov Yu.U.) V.V.), heads of structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, heads of institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

1) within the limits of the responsibilities defined by the Program to ensure the implementation of the measures provided for in it within the established deadlines;

2) annually — until February 05, April 05, July 05 and October 05 — submit to the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Cabin. 570, tel. 76-05) information on the progress of the Program implementation according to the specified indicators.

3. The Department of Corruption Prevention and Lustration
(Fodchuk A.B.) to ensure the generalization of submitted materials and information annually — until February 15, April 15, July 15, October 15 — of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption on the state of implementation of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (Anti-corruption strategy) for 2015-2017 in accordance with the specified indicators.

4th. To recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of June 18,
2015 No. 725 “On the organization of the implementation of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2015-2017”.

5. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister — Head of Staff Takhtai O.V.


Minister A.B. Avakov