Appeal from the People's Deputy of Ukraine Mykhailo Kryachko

Dear veterans, colleagues!


The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine received a deputy appeal from the People's Deputy of Ukraine Mykhailo Kryachko on the proposals of the pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Polyakov S. M. and Pushenko L. V. concerning amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On pension provision of persons dismissed from military service and certain other persons” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

The proposed amendments propose to restore the validity of the Law of Ukraine of April 9, 1992 No. 2262-XII and other amendments to it, restoring a fair approach to the accrual of pension benefits to veterans of the OSS.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine A.B. Avakov supported the proposed changes and in response to the request, in particular, it was noted: “We also inform that in order to improve the mechanism of recalculation of pensions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs supported the draft laws developed by the People's Deputies of Ukraine on amendments to the Law on the restoration of the validity of the previous versions of its norms (register No. 20) 86 of September 06, 2019 and Register No. 2141 of September 13, 2019).

We consider that the return to the wording of Article 63 of the Law, which was in force until December 31, 2016, will make it possible to restore a clear mechanism for the recalculation of pensions in connection with a change in the size of at least one of the types of monetary support of the relevant categories of servicemen, persons entitled to a pension under the Law, or in connection with the introduction for these categories persons of new monthly additional types of monetary security (surcharges, surcharges, increases) and bonuses in the amounts established by law, to ensure a uniform approach to determining the types of monetary security, which are taken into account to calculate the size of the pension both at the appointment and at the time of recalculation, as well as to avoid disproportion in the amount of the pension depending on the time of dismissal from service.

At the same time, we consider it necessary to reform the monetary provision of servicemen, police officers and some other persons, providing uniform conditions for determining its size for these categories of persons. According to the results of the reform, the main types of updated monetary security (base value) should be at least 80-90 percent of its monthly amount. This, in turn, will reduce the dependence of the size of the pension on the allowances and bonuses established individually for persons serving in the relevant positions, and will ensure a transparent and fair approach to recalculation of previously assigned pensions.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has repeatedly informed the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of Veterans' Rights on the need to improve certain provisions of the Law.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is ready, within the limits of its powers, to take part in the elaboration of relevant legislative acts in the event of their receipt in accordance with the established procedure”.

We also inform you that on January 15, 2020, a meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of Veterans' Rights was held under the chairmanship of the Chairman Tretyakova G.M., which considered the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Social Protection of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster fi” (r. № 2277).

This draft law provides for permission to import into Ukraine vehicles for own use with exemption from taxation of customs payments for participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.


Presidium of the Council of NGO “Association of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”