Appeal to pensioners and veterans of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, employees and servicemen of bodies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

We were forced to turn to you on behalf of the asset of public organizations by the situation caused by certain shameful acts of employees of our department, which caused a wide public resonance.

We, like all citizens of Ukraine, are outraged by the event in the city. Kaharlyk of the Kiev region, which originated with the participation of two werewolf policemen.

We know that these scoundrels were immediately detained, and the entire police unit was disbanded. Their leaders and the policemen involved in the incident were brought to pre-disciplinary responsibility.

Disgraceful, inadmissible criminal facts were also discovered in the Pavlograd Police Department of Dnipropetrovsk region.

We, whose childhood fell on the years of the Second World War, who overcame post-war hardship, showed professionalism, courage and courage in overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, withstood the test of resilience and loyalty to meadow duty in the hot spots of the planet, did not take advantage of the confusion crime in the 1990s, it is difficult to realize the possibility of such a savage act committed by police officers. The actions of these grief-police officers, other negative acts and actions of law enforcement nullify all the good that the employees and servicemen of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are doing for the good of the people.

It is clear that such unacceptable cases have an extremely negative impact on the image of the entire law enforcement agency. They create discord between the police and the people, discredit radical reforms in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the history of Ukraine, which we together with the Ukrainian people have written and are writing, there are many glorious pages. We did not allow bloodshed that could have occurred due to the confrontation of political forces in the first years of Ukraine's independence. Police officers, other law enforcement agencies at a high professional level ensured law and order during the pre-election presidential and parliamentary races and the elections themselves. The actions of police officers, servicemen of the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service during the quarantine measures related to COV1D-19, rescuers - during the elimination of fires in the Chernobyl zone and in the Zhytomyr region this spring deserve high praise.

We are proud of our border guards, National Guard soldiers, policemen, volunteers who defend our land in the east of the country from the Russian aggressor and their supporters - separatists. We are proud of
all our brothers who, without sparing effort and time, come to the aid of people in the first need.

We must remind: in the performance of their official duty, during the years of independence of our state 1679 workers gave their lives, 14708 were injured. This testifies to the heroism and dedication of those entrusted by the people to keep their peace.

They say that time is the best doctor, but such criminal manifestations of individual grief workers are a heavy burden on the shoulders of our department and will heal for a long time.

We are confident in an objective and impartial investigation of this shameful event, which will give grounds to punish the perpetrators with all the strictness of the law.


Dear employees!

As the situation shows, the reforms carried out need careful improvement. In operational and service activities there are many obvious problems. The main thing is to eliminate them in a timely and effective manner, to work daily and comprehensively to prevent abuses and violations of legality in investigative and operational activities. In this, first of all, the primary task of the entire management composition of organs and units from the central apparatus to the lower ranks. Work with personnel should be a priority, daily, comprehensive and systematic. Violators of legality and discipline have no place in the system of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This question is fundamental. Our compatriots believe and hope for the impeccable and effective service of law enforcement officers, servicemen and rescuers.

We encourage you to continue and enrich the glorious traditions established by older generations. Sincerely observe the Oath of Allegiance to the Ukrainian People!

Work so that the citizens of Ukraine see in each of you a fair, reliable defender, comrade and partner, believe in the legality and objectivity of your actions, and your relatives and friends are proud of you.

Multiply all the positive that happens in the reform process, in order to bring the Ministry of Internal Affairs to European standards, whose activities are based on the support of the public.

Create in your teams an atmosphere of intolerance to violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens, attempts to illegally use official position, other illegal actions, resolutely get rid of employees who discredit the high rank of police officer, soldier, rescuer.


Dear veterans!

We appeal to you with a request to be more actively involved in the professional formation and upbringing of young employees, to transfer to them the experience gained by you over the years of service.

You have the opportunity and the right to fully support the leaders of all ranks in their leadership of operational and combat activities, the main thing - in working with personnel, so as not to allow such shameful acts that nullify the titanic work of patriots, reformers, motivated workers, which are the overwhelming majority among individuals composition.

We all believe that, thanks to our joint work, partnerships, we will be able to fulfill the constitutional obligation imposed by the state - to ensure the reliable rule of law in our society and guarantee the safety of people, the comprehensive protection of human rights and freedoms, taking into account modern standards of law enforcement activity.

Only under such conditions will citizens be confident in their protection from criminal encroachments and in the lawful actions of law enforcement officers.

We hope, dear colleagues, that you have heard us. We wish you successful activities for the benefit of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Chairman of the Ukrainian Association
“Chernobyl” of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine General of the Internal Service of Ukraine 10.06.2020

President of the Ukrainian Section of the
International Police Association “General of the Internal Service of Ukraine 10.06.2020

Chairman of the Association of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine retired police lieutenant
general 10.06.2020