The result of the competition announced by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of September 24, 2019 No. 800

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine of November 26, 2015 No. 848 VIII “On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities”, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of September 24, 2019 No. 800 “On Announcement of a Competition for the Vacant Position of the Director of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” and on the implementation of paragraph 46 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers Law of Ukraine dated December 14, 2016 № 998 “Some issues of election and appointment of the head of a state scientific institution”, we inform you that according to the results of voting in the elections of the Director of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of the internal affairs of Ukraine, announced by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of September 24, 2019 No. 800, the winner of the competition is determined the candidate:


Job Sequence Number

Surname, first name and patronymic of
the candidate

Result (total points)


! 1

! 2

! 3

! 4

Director of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


VerbenskyyMykhailo Heorhiiovych


Winner of the contest