The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces a tender for the replacement of vacant positions of civil servants, namely:
- Chief Specialist of the Department of Work of the Production Studio of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - Chief Specialist of the Department of Organization of the Work of the Internet Portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Departmental Information Resources of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Chief Specialist of the Department of Work with Information Requests and Documentation of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - two main specialists of the department of interaction with authorities and the public of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - two main specialists of the department of monitoring mass media
information of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- the chief specialist (for the period of leave without salary for childcare) of the technical support department of the Ministry of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Requirements for candidates: citizenship of Ukraine, compulsory knowledge of the state language, possession of computer programs “Microsoft Word, Excel”, higher education professional orientation at the educational and qualification level of master, specialist, work experience in positions of the lower level of at least 3 years. Candidates submit
documents defined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 15, 2002 No. 169 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Competition for the Replacement of Vacant Positions of Civil Servants”, in person within 30 days from the date of publication of the announcement at: 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Academician Bogomoletsa, 10 (reception of citizens), on working days from 15 to 16 hours.
Information on the conditions of the competition can be obtained by phone. 254-74-62 (internal 74-62)