Announcement of selection for the vacant position of Deputy Director of the Personnel Department - Head of the Department for Compilation, Documentation and Consideration of Applications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Title and category of the position in respect of which the decision was made on the need for appointment

Deputy Director of the Personnel Department - Head of the Department for Compilation, Document Management and Consideration of Appeals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, category “B”

Official duties

Manages the activities of the Department within the limits of its powers.

Carries out organizational and methodological guidance of management work on the fulfillment of tasks and functions assigned to it, plans management work and provides appropriate control.

Ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the management, as well as the compliance of employees with the legislation on civil service issues and the prevention of corruption.

Submits to the Director of the Department proposals for the appointment and dismissal from office in the established order of management employees, timely replacement of vacant positions, assignment of ranks of civil servants, encouragement and attraction to disciplinary responsibility, promotes qualification and retraining of subordinate employees.

Organizes the development and implementation, within the competence, of the development plans of the Department, promotes the improvement of work in the areas of personnel management, document flow and improvement of the quality of consideration of appeals.

Organizes proper control over the deadlines, execution of official documents, reports to the Director of the Department on the results of the management's work and makes suggestions on ways to improve it.

Organizes work on the consideration by employees of the department of lawyer requests, appeals and requests of people's deputies of Ukraine, executive bodies, public associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as statements and complaints of citizens, requests for information.

Promotes the implementation of a unified state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men within its powers, adheres within its competence to the principle of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in their activities, ensures within its competence the implementation of regulations on the observance of equal rights and opportunities for women and men, prevents and combats discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual harassment.

Hears at meetings reports of heads of departments on the results of the work of their units, as well as on the performance of tasks, in accordance with functional powers

Terms of pay

Official salary according to the staffing table in the amount of 16,000 hryvnias.

Increase to the official salary by rank in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 18, 2017. No. 15 “Issues of remuneration of employees of state bodies” (with amendments).

Other allowances, surcharges and bonuses in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”

Information about the term of appointment to the position

For the period of quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in order to prevent the spread in Ukraine of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and until the date of determination of the winner by the head of the public service according to the results of competitive selection in accordance with the legislation

The list of information required for appointment to a vacant position, including the form, addressee and deadline for its submission

A person wishing to participate in the selection for appointment to a vacant position shall submit the following information through the Unified State Service Vacancies Portal:

1) a statement indicating the main reasons for taking office in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Procedure for Appointment to Public Service Positions for the period of quarantine established in order to prevent the spread in Ukraine of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers Law of Ukraine dated April 22, 2020 No. 290 (hereinafter - the Order);

2) a resume in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Procedure;

3) a statement informing that it is not subject to the prohibitions specified in the third or fourth part of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Purge of Power”, and gives consent to the inspection and to the disclosure of information about it in accordance with the said Law.

Appendices to the application are not mandatory for submission.

A person who has expressed a desire to participate in the selection for appointment to a vacant position may submit additional information confirming compliance with the requirements set out in the advertisement, in particular in relation to work experience, professional competences, reputation (characteristics, recommendations, scientific publications, etc.).

Information is accepted from June 18 to 6 pm on June 22, 2020 inclusive

Surname, first name and patronymic, telephone number and e-mail address of the person providing additional information on selection for a vacant position

Kulish Ihor Vasylovych,

(044) 256 13 56

[email protected]




higher, higher education degree — not lower than master's degree

Work experience

experience in public service positions of categories “B” or “B” or experience of service in local self-government bodies, or experience in managerial positions of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership for at least two years

Proficiency in the state language
