The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces a tender for the position of public service category “B” chief specialist

Order of 31.08.2021 № 649 On the announcement of the competition for the position of public service of category “B” Department for ensuring the formation of public policy in the field of combating drug crime

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Ukraine on August 31, 2021 No. 649 was approved


holding a tender for the position of public service of category “B” — chief specialist of the department of information support and monitoring of the Department for ensuring the formation of state policy in the field of combating drug crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

General conditions

Official duties

prepares information-analytical, statistical materials and other documents on issues falling within the competence of the department;
carries out organizational, analytical and methodological support for the activities of the Department;
prepares draft orders, organizational and administrative acts, in the areas of activity of the department, Directorate; processes incoming correspondence that comes from the Ministry of agencies, departments, other executive bodies, complaints, statements and appeals of citizens and carries out their timely execution; carries out the collection, generalization of information-analytical

, statistical materials and other documents on matters falling within the competence of the Office;
ensures the holding, within the competence, of meetings of working groups, meetings, preparation of materials for them and processes materials based on the results of their meetings

Terms of pay

official salary — UAH 10,600; allowances, surcharges, bonuses and compensation in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”;
an increase to the official salary for the rank of a civil servant in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
dated January 18, 2017 No. 15 “The issue of remuneration of employees of state bodies” (with changes)

Information about the duration or indefinite duration of the appointment to the position


the term of appointment of a person who has reached the age of 65 is one year with the right of re-appointment without the obligatory holding of a competition annually

List of information required to participate in the competition and the deadline for its submission

1) application for participation in the competition indicating the main reasons for holding the position according to the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Procedure for holding a tender for public service positions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2016 No. 246 (as amended);

2) a summary in the form in accordance with Annex 2 1, in which the following information is necessarily indicated:

surname, first name, patronymic of the candidate;

details of the document certifying the identity and confirming the citizenship of Ukraine;

confirmation of the availability of an appropriate degree of higher education;

information about work experience, civil service experience (if available), work experience in relevant positions in the relevant field defined in the competition, and in managerial positions (if applicable);

3) a statement informing that it is not subject to the prohibitions specified in the third or fourth part of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Purge of Power”, and gives consent to the inspection and disclosure of information about it in accordance with the said Law;

4) a copy of the State Certificate on the level of proficiency in the state language (extract from the register of State certificates on the level of proficiency in the state language), confirming the level of proficiency in the state language, determined by the National Commission on Standards of the State Language.

Submission of applications to the application is not mandatory.

Information is accepted until 18 h 00 min on September 15, 2021 exclusively through the Unified Civil Service Vacancies Portal at the link:

Additional (optional) documents

application for the provision of reasonable form-fitting in accordance with Appendix 3 to the Procedure for Conducting Tenders for Public Service Positions

Date and time of commencement of candidate testing.

Place or method of testing.

Place or method of conducting the interview (indicating the electronic platform for communication remotely)

Place or method of conducting an interview for the purpose of determining the winner (s) of the competition by the appointee or head of the public service (s) (indicating the electronic platform for communication remotely)

September 21, 2021, 10 h 00 min

m. Kyiv, str. Pereznaya, 15, Center for evaluation of candidates for civil service positions (entrance to the center through the arch) (testing for the physical presence of candidates)

m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting an interview with the physical presence of candidates)

m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting an interview with the physical presence of candidates)

Surname, first name and patronymic, telephone number and e-mail address of the person providing additional information regarding the conduct of the competition

Kulish Igor Vasylovych,
+38 (044) 256 13 56, e-mail: [email protected]


Khoptinets Igor Oleksandrovych,
+38 (044) 256 1040, e-mail: [email protected]

Qualification requirements



Higher education by educational degree not lower than bachelor, junior bachelor


Work experience

Does not need


Proficiency in the state language

Fluency in the state language

Competency requirements


Requirement Components


Achieving results

the ability to clearly see the result of the activity; the ability to focus efforts
to achieve the result of the activity; the ability to prevent and effectively overcome obstacles



awareness of the importance of high-quality performance of their official duties in compliance with deadlines and established procedures; awareness of the level of responsibility during the preparation and making of decisions, readiness to bear responsibility for the
possible consequences of the implementation of such decisions; ability to assume obligations, clearly comply with and fulfill them


Digital literacy

the ability to use computer devices, basic office and specialized software for the effective performance of their duties; the ability to use Internet services to effectively search for the necessary information; the
ability to check the reliability of sources and the reliability of data and information in a digital environment; the
ability to work with documents in various digital formats; store, hack to store, organize, archive digital resources and data of various types; the ability to avoid hazards in

the digital environment, to protect personal and confidential data; the
ability to use electronic registers, electronic document management systems and other electronic government systems for the exchange of information, for electronic correspondence within the scope of their official duties; the ability to use joint online calendars, services for preparation and joint editing of documents, ability use a qualified electronic signature (CAP); the ability to use open digital resources for their own professional development

Professional knowledge


Requirement Components


Knowledge of legislation

Constitution of Ukraine;
Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”; Law of Ukraine “
On Prevention of
Corruption” and other legislation


Knowledge of legislation in the field

Law of Ukraine “On Citizens' Appeals”;
Law of Ukraine “On Advocacy and Advocacy”; Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”;
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine dated January 17, 2018 No. 55 “Some Issues of Documentation of Managerial Activities”; Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28,
2015 No. 878 “On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”