Competition for public service positions of category “B” of the Department of Legal Support

Order of 22.03.2021 № 202 On the announcement of tenders for public service positions of the Department of Legal Support

Approved Order of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 22.03.2021 № 202

Conditions for holding a tender for the position of public service of category “B” — chief specialist of the department of judicial and claims work of the Department of Legal Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (2 positions)

General conditions

Official duties

1. Processes claims, statements of claim (administrative claims), appeals and cassation complaints, other documents received from judicial bodies, bodies of the state executive service, prosecutor's office and other state institutions; prepares responses, explanations and objections to them.

By order of the management of the Department, in order to protect the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prepares claims, complaints, statements of claim (administrative claims), appeals and cassation complaints, other procedural documents and submits them in the prescribed manner to the authorized judicial and other bodies.

2. By order of the management of the Department, it represents, within its competence, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in courts and other state bodies during the consideration of legal issues and disputes.

Representing the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances, conducting cases in these courts.

It carries out self-representation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances during the consideration of court cases involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducting cases in the courts.

3. Processes claims, statements of claim (administrative claims), appeals and cassation complaints, other documents received from judicial bodies, bodies of the state executive service, prosecutor's office and other state institutions; prepares responses, explanations and objections to them.

4. Provides legal support and control over the representation of the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in judicial bodies by employees of legal services of territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5. Develops and submits to the management of the Department proposals for improving the legal work of legal services of territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, takes measures to implement the best forms and methods of this work.

6. On behalf of the management of the Department, it analyzes the materials and data of statistical reporting on claims and claims work of territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Participates in the preparation of draft management decisions, report notes, reports, assessments and other informational (analytical) documents characterizing the state of legal work in territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

7. Within the competence, considers and executes the documents submitted for processing to the department. On behalf of the management of the Department prepares legal opinions on matters falling within the competence of the Department.

On behalf of the management of the Department prepares draft civil, economic and legal agreements and other transactions.

By order of the management of the Department, it carries out direct development and examination of draft regulatory acts.

8. On behalf of the management of the Department, participates in the consideration of materials based on the results of inspections, audits, inventories; gives legal conclusions on the facts of detected violations.

9. Processes the materials of official investigations into the facts of violations of service discipline by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and draft orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on bringing employees to disciplinary responsibility.

10. By order of the leadership of the Department, participates in the organization of advanced training of employees of legal services of territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By order of the management of the Department, he participates in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings, classes on legal support of the Ministry's activities.

Terms of pay

official salary — UAH 10,600

allowances, surcharges, bonuses and compensation in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”;

increase to the official salary for the rank of civil servant in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 18, 2017 No. 15 “The issue of remuneration of employees of state bodies” (as amended)

Information about the duration or indefinite duration of the appointment to the position


List of information required to participate in the competition and the deadline for its submission

1) an application for participation in the competition indicating the main reasons for holding a position in accordance with the form in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Procedure for holding a tender for public service positions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2016 No. 246 (as amended);

2) a summary in the form in accordance with Annex 2 1, in which the following information is necessarily indicated:

surname, first name, patronymic of the candidate;

details of the document certifying the identity and confirming the citizenship of Ukraine;

confirmation of the availability of an appropriate degree of higher education;

confirmation of the level of fluency in the state language;

information about work experience, civil service experience (if available), work experience in relevant positions in the relevant field defined in the competition, and in managerial positions (if applicable);

3) a statement informing that it is not subject to the prohibitions specified in the third or fourth part of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Purge of Power”, and gives consent to the inspection and to the disclosure of information about it in accordance with the said Law.

Submission of applications to the application is not mandatory.


Documents are accepted up to 18 h. 00 min.

March 29, 2021

Additional (optional) documents

application for the provision of reasonable form-fitting in accordance with Appendix 3 to the Procedure for Conducting Tenders for Public Service Positions

Date and time of commencement of candidate testing.


Place or method of testing.


Place or method of conducting the interview (indicating the electronic platform for communication remotely)

01 April 2021 09h 00 min


m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting testing with the physical presence of candidates)


m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting an interview with the physical presence of candidates)

Surname, first name and patronymic, telephone number and e-mail address of the person providing additional information regarding the conduct of the competition

Kulish Igor Vasylovych, +38 (044) 256 13 56,

E-mail: [email protected]


Qualification requirements



higher education with an educational degree not lower than bachelor, junior bachelor in the field of knowledge “Law”


Work experience

does not need


Proficiency in the state language

Fluency in the state language

Competency requirements


Requirement Components


Working with large arrays of information

  • the ability to establish logical relationships;
  • the ability to systematize a large array of information;
  • the ability to highlight the main thing, to make clear, structured conclusions


Qualitative performance of the tasks

  • clear accurate formulation of goals, goals and objectives, official activity;
  • an integrated approach to the implementation of tasks, identification of risks;
  • understanding the content of the task and its final results, independent determination of possible ways to achieve


Self-organization and autonomy in work

  • the ability to independently organize their activities and time to prioritize the performance of tasks, to establish the order of their implementation;
  • ability to self-motivate (self-management);
  • the ability to independently make decisions and perform tasks in the process of professional activity

Professional knowledge


Requirement Components


Knowledge of legislation

Constitution of Ukraine;
Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”; Law of Ukraine “
On Prevention of
Corruption” and other legislation


Knowledge of legislation in the field

Civil Code of Ukraine;

Economic Code of Ukraine;

the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine;

Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine;

Code of Administrative Procedure;

Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”


Knowledge of the information protection system

Knowledge of the information protection system in the field of representation of the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances


Approved Order of the Ministry
of Internal Rights of Ukraine dated 22.03.2021 № 202

Conditions for holding a tender for the position of public service of category “B” — chief specialist of the Department of Legal Support of Financial Resources and Property Management of General Legal Work of the Department of Legal Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

General conditions

Official duties

1. Develops draft economic, civil and legal agreements (contracts) and other transactions, one of the parties of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, participates in their preparation and implementation of measures aimed at the fulfillment of contractual obligations, and also approves (visas) drafts of contracts (contracts).

2. Within the competence, considers and executes the documents submitted for processing to the department. On behalf of the management of the Department prepares legal opinions on issues within the competence of the department, in the form of letters, certificates, official notes, etc.

3. Participates in the preparation of draft legislative acts, international treaties, commercial contracts (contracts), considers drafts of regulatory acts received for approval on issues within the competence of the department, prepares draft written conclusions or comments on them.

4th. Accompanies the application of measures of legal influence in case of non-fulfillment or improper performance of contractual obligations in order to ensure the protection of the property interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5. On behalf of the management of the Department, participates in the consideration of materials on the consequences of inspections, audits, inventories, gives legal conclusions on the facts of detected violations.

6. Provides methodological assistance in the prescribed manner to the structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the performance of their tasks and functions. Contributes to the correct application of the provisions of the current legislation by them, participates in identifying and eliminating the causes of violations.

7. Develops and submits to the management of the Department and the Department proposals for improving legal work in territorial bodies and institutions (institutions) belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, takes measures to implement improved forms and methods of this work.

8. Participates in domestic and international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings, classes related to issues of legal support of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

9. Representing the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances, conducting cases in these courts.

It carries out self-representation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances during the consideration of court cases involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducting cases in the courts.

Performs other duties arising from the tasks assigned to the department.

Terms of pay

official salary — UAH 10,600

allowances, surcharges, bonuses and compensation in accordance with Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”;

increase to the official salary for the rank of civil servant in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 18, 2017 No. 15 “The issue of remuneration of employees of state bodies” (as amended)

Information about the duration or indefinite duration of the appointment to the position


List of information required to participate in the competition and the deadline for its submission

1) an application for participation in the competition indicating the main reasons for holding a position in accordance with the form in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Procedure for holding a tender for public service positions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2016 No. 246 (as amended);

2) a summary in the form in accordance with Annex 2 1, in which the following information is necessarily indicated:

surname, first name, patronymic of the candidate;

details of the document certifying the identity and confirming the citizenship of Ukraine;

confirmation of the availability of an appropriate degree of higher education;

confirmation of the level of fluency in the state language;

information about work experience, civil service experience (if available), work experience in relevant positions in the relevant field defined in the competition, and in managerial positions (if applicable);

3) a statement informing that it is not subject to the prohibitions specified in the third or fourth part of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Purge of Power”, and gives consent to the inspection and to the disclosure of information about it in accordance with the said Law.

Submission of applications to the application is not mandatory.


Documents are accepted up to 18 h. 00 min.

March 29, 2021

Additional (optional) documents

application for the provision of reasonable form-fitting in accordance with Appendix 3 to the Procedure for Conducting Tenders for Public Service Positions

Date and time of commencement of candidate testing.


Place or method of testing.


Place or method of conducting the interview (indicating the electronic platform for communication remotely)

01 April 2021 09h 00 min


m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting testing with the physical presence of candidates)


m. Kyiv, str. Pylypa Orlyka, 16/12 (conducting an interview with the physical presence of candidates)

Surname, first name and patronymic, telephone number and e-mail address of the person providing additional information regarding the conduct of the competition

Kulish Igor Vasylovych, +38 (044) 256 13 56,

E-mail: [email protected]


Qualification requirements



higher education with an educational degree not lower than bachelor, junior bachelor in the field of knowledge “Law”


Work experience

does not need


Proficiency in the state language

Fluency in the state language

Competency requirements


Requirement Components


Working with large arrays of information

  • the ability to establish logical relationships;
  • the ability to systematize a large array of information;
  • the ability to highlight the main thing, to make clear, structured conclusions


Qualitative performance of the tasks

  • clear accurate formulation of goals, goals and objectives, official activity;
  • an integrated approach to the implementation of tasks, identification of risks;
  • understanding the content of the task and its final results, independent determination of possible ways to achieve


Self-organization and autonomy in work

  • the ability to independently organize their activities and time to prioritize the performance of tasks, to establish the order of their implementation;
  • ability to self-motivate (self-management);
  • the ability to independently make decisions and perform tasks in the process of professional activity

Professional knowledge


Requirement Components


Knowledge of legislation

Constitution of Ukraine;
Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”; Law of Ukraine “
On Prevention of
Corruption” and other legislation


Knowledge of legislation in the field

Civil Code of Ukraine;

Economic Code of Ukraine;

Code of Administrative Procedure;

Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine;

Law of Ukraine “On Management of Objects of State Property”


Knowledge of the information protection system

Knowledge of the system of information protection in the field of representation of the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the courts of Ukraine of all jurisdictions and instances.