Public presentation of information on the budget of the Ministry of the Interior for 2010

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine carries out its activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Militia” as a state armed executive body that protects the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, property, natural environment, interests of society and the state from unlawful encroachments.


The Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2010” with amendments for the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided for the expenditure of the general fund in the amount of UAH 9,758,373.7 thousand, or 39.4% of the need.

The received appropriations of the general fund were directed primarily to:

  • wages and accruals - 8 726 345.9 thousand UAH; payment of utilities and energy carriers - 345 449.8 thousand UAH; purchase of objects, materials, equipment and inventory, including soft inventory and uniforms - 187 448.9 thousand UAH ;
  • purchase of food - 162 744.2 thousand UAH; current transfers to the population - 100 146.3 thousand UAH In addition, in 2010, the bodies and departments of internal affairs received funds from a special fund in the amount of 3 250 790.7 thousand UAH, which were used for:
  • purchase of objects, materials, equipment and inventory, including soft inventory and uniforms - 1 460 164.7 thousand UAH; wages and accruals - 668,038.3 thousand UAH ;
  • purchase of equipment and objects of long-term use - 347 547.4 thousand UAH ;
  • payment of services (except utilities) - 210 987.3 thousand UAH

Directions of use of budget funds by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the context of budget programs and responsible executors are given in the table “Information on budget execution with budget details for budget programs”.


It should be noted that during 2010, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not allow the formation of overdue accounts payable and ensured a decrease in the overall level of accounts payable of the general fund. Thus, as of January 1, 2011, the Ministry's accounts payable amounted to UAH 71.4 million, which is UAH 131.2 million less than at the beginning of the year.

At the same time, the level of accounts receivable decreased. On January 1, 2011, it amounted to UAH 216.2 million, which is UAH 10.9 million less than at the beginning of the year.


Directions of use of budget funds by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine are given in the table - view.