Repeated announcement No. 2 on the selection of proposals for the purchase of housing for police officers and employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv

1. Customer:

1.1 Name: Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv

1.2 Identification code: 40108583

1.3 Location: 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Vladimirskaya, 15.

1.4 Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants: Head of SOZ ULMTZ GUNP in the city. Kyiv Fedorishchev Artem Yurievich, 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Vladimirskaya, 15, cabin 104, (044) 271-95-16, [email protected]

1.5 Fund Manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

2. Source of funding: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:,,

4. Information about the selection of proposals:

4.1 Name of the subject of purchase: Acquisition of apartments for police officers and employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv.

Description of the subject of purchase: 2 one-room apartments in residential buildings located within the city. Kiev.

Term of purchase (delivery) of apartments: until 10.12.2021.

5. Offer validity: 30 calendar days.

6. Submission of proposals:

7 .1 Place: 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Volodymyrska, 15

7 .2 Deadline: until 01.11.2021

7.3 Time: until 10:00

7 .4 Disclosure of offers: 01601, m. Kyiv, Vladimirskaya, 15 (reception of the head of ULMTZ)

7 .5 Date: 01.11.2021 year

7 .6 Time: 11.00

8. Additional information: documentation is available on the website,,

Procurement volumes may be changed taking into account the actual financing of the Customer's expenses.

Information by phone: (044) 271-95-16

Competition Documentation

Chairman of the Commission Viktor NECHITAYLO