Announcement of the results of the competition for the purchase of apartments in the secondary market for servicemen of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

1. Customer:

1.1. Eastern Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

1.2. Identification code according to the Taxpayer's number: 14321937

1.3. Location: Ukraine, 61165, m. Kharkov, lane. Engineering, 7

1.4. Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants:

Secretary of the Commission - ILCHENKO Dmytro Viktorovych

tel. (057) 702-05-63

e-mail: [email protected]

1.5. Chief funds manager:

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

2. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the state budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:

4. Information about the subject of the competition:

4.1. Name of the subject of purchase:

Purchase of an apartment on the secondary market to provide housing for servicemen of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the city of Konotop, Sumy region.

4.2. Quantity, volume of supply of goods (provision of services, performance of works): four-room apartment in the city. Konotop Sumy region

5. Disclosure of tender offers:

5.1. Place: 61165, m. Kharkov, lane. Engineering, 7, office building № 410

5.2. Date: October 22, 2021

5.3. Time: 10:00

6. On the basis of item 4 p. 13.4 The tender documentation, the tender for the purchase of an apartment on the secondary market to provide housing for servicemen of the State Border Service of Ukraine in the city of Konotop, Sumy region, was canceled, due to the submission of less than two tender offers for participation in them (no tender offers were received).

7. Additional information: The results of the competition are posted on the websites: and

Deputy Head of the Competition Commission Mykola KARDASH