Announcement of the results of the purchase of apartments for police officers and employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv.

1. Customer:

1.1 Name: Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv

1.2 Identification code: 40108583

1.3 Location: 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Vladimirskaya, 15.

1.4 Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants: Head of SOZ ULMTZ GUNP in the city. Kyiv Fedorishchev Artem Yurievich, 01601, m. Kyiv, str. Vladimirskaya, 15, cab. 104, (044) 271-95-16, 104 urz @ ukr. net

1.5 Fund Manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

2. Source of funding: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:,, mvs. gov. ua

4. Information about the selection of proposals:

4.1 Name of the subject of purchase: Acquisition of apartments for police officers and employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the city. Kyiv.

Description of the subject of purchase: 2 one-room apartments

Proposals for the supply of apartments in objects that are located in the city are accepted for consideration. Kyiv

4.2 Disclosure of proposals: took place on 01. 11 .2021

4.3 Information on the results of the selection of proposals: according to the conditions of the competition, the following offers are the most economically advantageous:

Participant's name

Address of the property

Number of rooms

The total cost of the apartment (UAH)

The distance of the object from the m. Kiev (km)

Offer price per 1 sq. m, the number of points for which is calculated

Offer area for which the number of points is calculated (Sprop)

Methodology for calculating the rating of the price offer

Price offer rating

Shcherban Pavlo Pavlovych

m. Kyiv, str. Grodnenskaya 14, sq. 318

! 1


m. Kyiv



= (28700/1202530,00) * 80% + (41.9/41.9) * 20%


Shcherban Pavlo Pavlovych

m. Kyiv, str. Grodnenskaya 14, sq. 317

! 1


m. Kyiv



= (28700/1208270.00) * 80% + (41.9/42.1) * 20%


Chairman of the Commission Viktor NECHITAYLO