Announcement № 4 on the results of the competition for the purchase of apartments on the terms of equity participation and in the secondary market for housing the servicemen of the NGU

1. Customer:

1.1. Name: Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine

1.2. Identification code according to the Unified State Tax Code: 08803498.

1.3. Location:

Ukraine, 03151, m. Kyiv, str. Narodnoho Opolchnya, 9-A

1.4. Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants:

Omelchenko Serhii Vasylovych, Pasternak Oksana Lyubomyrivna (tld. (044) 249-27-23);

1.5. Chief funds manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

2. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the state budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:

4. Information about the subject of the competition is defined in the announcement No. 3 of 26.08.2021.

Disclosure of tender offers took place on 20.09.2021 at 11-00 at the address: 03151, m. Kyiv, str. People's Militia, 9-A.

5. Information about the results of the competition:

5.1. According to lot number 1 - the winners are recognized:

- FO Mishuk Iryna Ihorivna (TIN 3380506122),

- PP “Consol” (Taxpayer's number 32433715).

5.2. According to lot number 2 - the winners are recognized:

- FO Ishchenko Dmytro Oleksandrovych (TIN 3002902432),

- FO Boyko Oleg Ivanovich (TIN 2858122116),

- FO Vartovyi Oleg Alexandrovich (TIN 3429110591).

5.3. According to lot number 3 - the winners are recognized:

- FO Golubiev Vladislav Vladimirovich (TIN 2717003217),

- FO Mikhalov Igor Anatolyevich (TIN 2251812030),

5.4. For lot No. 4 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender offers (no tender offers).

5.5. According to lot number 5 - the winners are recognized:

- Subsidiary enterprise “Construction Department No. 2" of OJSC of transport construction “ODESTRANSBUD” (Taxpayer's number 22483602),

- FO Karazhekov Denis Ivanovich (TIN 3380714636),

- FO Cherechenko Ekaterina Stepanivna (TIN 2904418403),

- FO Karazhekov Alexander Fedorovich (TIN 2728300273),

- FO Rogozhin Nikolai Valentinovich (TIN 2988017373),

- FO Tanasov Ivan Fedorovich (TIN 3247718078).

5.6. For lot number 6 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

5.7. According to lot number 7 - the winners are recognized:

- Financial Construction Holding LLC (Taxpayer's number 39115189),

- FO Gurin Volodymyr Mykolaiovych (TIN 2765403076),

- JSC “ZNVKIF Princess Yaroslavna (Taxpayer's number 40468695).

Chairman of the Competition Commission 04.10.2021