Announcement № 2 dated 05.08.2021 About the results of the competition

Announcement № 2

on the results of the competition for the purchase of apartments on the terms of equity participation and on the secondary market to provide housing for servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine

1. Customer:

1.1. Name: Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine

1.2. Identification code according to the Unified State Tax Code: 08803498.

1.3. Location:

Ukraine, 03151, m. Kyiv, str. Narodnoho Opolchnya, 9-A

1.4. Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants:

Omelchenko Serhii Vasylovych, Pasternak Oksana Lyubomyrivna (tld. (044) 249-27-23);

1.5. Chief funds manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

2. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the state budget of Ukraine.

3. The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase:

4. Information about the subject of the competition is defined in the announcement No. 1 of 07.07.2021.

Disclosure of tender offers took place on 22.07.2021 at 11-00 at the address: 03151, m. Kyiv, str. People's Militia, 9-A.

5. Information about the results of the competition:

5.1. For lot No. 1 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender offers.

5.2. For lot No. 2 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

5.3. For lot No. 3 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender proposals.

5.4. For lot number 4 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

5.5. For lot number 5 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

It's 5.6. For lot number 6, the winners are recognized:

- FO Nakalyuzhna G. O. (TIN 3132210069), Nakalyuzhnyi O. IN. (INN 2911709451),

- FO Litvinov Y. IN. (INN 2941316477),

- FO Loktionov Yu. P. (TIN 2497614151), FO Loktionova D. YU. (TEL. 3379510061).

5.7. For lot No. 7 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender proposals.

5.8. According to lot number 8, the winners are recognized:

- FO Novikova O. V., acting on behalf of Rozhenko T. AND. (PIN 2178105446),

- FO Vereshchak I. IN. (TEL. 2407504383).

5.9. For lot number 9 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

5:10 a.m. For lot No. 10 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender offers (no tender offers).

5:11 a.m. According to lot number 11, the winner is recognized:

- Subsidiary enterprise “Construction Department No. 2" of OJSC of transport construction “ODESTRANSBUD” (Taxpayer's number 22483602).

5:12 a.m. According to lot number 12, the winner is recognized:

- Service cooperative “DUBKI-KHARKIV” (Taxpayer's number 38775007),

5:13 a.m. For lot number 13 - canceled due to the rejection of all tender offers.

5:14 a.m. For lot No. 14 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender offers (no tender offers).

5:15 a.m. For lot number 15 - canceled in connection with the submission for participation in the competition less than two tender offers (no tender offers).

5:16 a.m. According to lot number 16, the winners are recognized:

- Financial Construction Holding LLC (Taxpayer's number 39115189),

- FO Titko M. O. (INN 2900618577),

- FO Lada A. S. (TEL 2903718259).

Chairman of the Competition Commission 05.08.2021