1. Customer:
1.1. Name: State Emergency Service of Ukraine; 1.2.
Identification code according to the EDRPOU: 38516849; 1.3.
Ukraine, 01601, m. Kyiv, str. O. Pottery, 55 a; 1.4.
Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants:
Semeniuk Andriy Viktorovich, Proshkuratov Alexey Mikhailovich (tel. 044-202-33-10, [email protected]); 1.5.
Chief funds manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. 2.
Source of financing of the competition: funds of the State Budget of Ukraine. 3.
The address of the websites on which the customer places information about the purchase: www.mvs.gov.ua, www.dsns.gov.ua. 4.
Information about the subject of the competition is specified in the announcement No. 1; 5.
Information about the results of the competition:
5.1. According to lot No. 1, the winner was PJSC “DBK-4" (Taxpayer's number 05503160); 5.2.
According to lot No. 2, the winner was PJSC “DBK-4" (Taxpayer's number 05503160); 5.3.
According to lot No. 3, DBK-PARTNER LLC (Taxpayer's number 37856980) was recognized as the winner; 5.4.
Lot No. 4 was canceled due to the lack of further need for the purchases made, taking into account the reduction of expenses for its implementation.
Chairman of the Competition Commission 28.08.2020 |