1. Customer:
1.1. Name: Western Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine 1.2.
Identification code according to the EDRPOU: 14321647 1.3.
Location: Ukraine, 79017, m. Lviv, str. Mechnikova I., 16A. 1.4.
Officials of the customer authorized to communicate with the participants: Secretary of the commission — Bilyk Inna Mykolaivna tel. (032) 276-78-36, e-mail address: [email protected]. 1.5.
Chief funds manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. 2.
Source of financing of the competition: funds of the state budget of Ukraine. 3.
The address of the website on which the customer places information about the purchase: www.mvs.gov.ua, www.dpsu.gov.ua and the newspaper “Government Courier”. 4.
Information about the results of the competition: on the basis of paragraph 12 of the tender documentation, the Customer rejected the tender offers, as those that do not meet the requirements of the tender documentation (protocol No. 2 dated 07.09.2020).