Announcement № 11 on the results of the competition for the purchase of apartments on the terms of equity participation and on the secondary market to provide housing for servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine

1. Customer:

1.1. Name. Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine

1.2. Identification code according to the Unified State Tax Code: 08803498.

1.3. Location:

Ukraine, 03151, m. Kyiv, str. Narodnoho Opolchnya, 9-A

1.4. Customer officials authorized to communicate with participants:

Chairman of the Commission — Kulik Oleh Yevhenovych (tl. 044-249-2707);

Deputy Chairman of the Commission — Sikora Leonid Volodymyrovych (tld. 044-249-2954);

Modlinskyi Mykola Volodymyrovych (tlf. 044-249-2723);

1.5. Chief funds manager: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

2. Source of financing of the competition: funds of the state budget of Ukraine.

3. The opening of tender offers took place on 29.11.2017 at 11-00 at the address: 03151, m. Kyiv, str. People's Militia, 9-A.

4. Information about the results of the competition:

In connection with the refusal of Karaulov Alexei Ivanovich with an offer of 1 apartment with a total area of 55.2 sq.m. at the address: m. Zaporizhia, str. Kryvorozhskaya, 35, sq. 32 from the signing of the contract to additionally recognize the winner of the competition for Lot 7 (up to 5 apartments in the city. Oleksandriya Kirovohrad region) Pavlichenko Denis Sergeevich, whose proposal is partially taken into account, namely 1 apartment out of two offered with a total area of 110.4 sq.m. at the address: Kirovohrad region, city. Oleksandriya, Soborny Ave., 126, sq. 18 (3 rooms).



Head of the Competition Commission

O.E. Kulik


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