01.03.2016 12:09
Your new police - start in Cherkassy and Kremenchug! (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported on the launch of the patrol police in the city of Cherkassy on March 1, 2016.  And on February 27 a new patrol service has already st
23.02.2016 11:43
Even in a small village, the police has to be near people - Arsen Avakov (ФОТО)
The head of MIA said it on February 23 during a ceremony of the first briefing of the staff of the patrol police rapid response teams in the Kharkov region.
23.02.2016 11:15
Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Arsen Avakov examined in Kharkov the RICAS complex
The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov on February 23, 2016 got acquainted with the work of a hardware-software complex of analytical assistance to operational investigative
19.02.2016 14:30
"Despite the difficulties, reform continues," - Arsen Avakov
The patrol police started to work  in two more cities of Ukraine - in Chernigov and Vinnitsa.  Now a new police is operating in 14 cities.
11.02.2016 21:33
Arsen Avakov: Plus Lvov region. Step by step!
On February 11, 2016, Minister of Internal Affairs announced the launch of rapid response teams service in the Lvov region.
10.02.2016 12:34
Arsen Avakov: The main reform must take place in the minds of citizens (PHOTOS)
The head of MIA stated  this on February 10 during the joint meeting of the boards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice under the title: "From the new
08.02.2016 10:35
New Kherson patrolmen took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people (PHOTOS)
On the same day they went to their first duty on the streets of the regional center.  The ceremony of taking oath was attended by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and the Head of the National Police
05.02.2016 15:12
Arsen Avakov: reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is a key reform in the country (PHOTOS)
On February 4, 2016, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine held a working meeting with representatives of the EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform-Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine).
03.02.2016 10:24
Arsen Avakov: Police arrival on call: up to 20 minutes in rural areas and 7 minutes - in district centers! (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
On February 3, 2016, the Minister of Internal Affairs announced the start of work of 83 rapid response teams in 11 territorial divisions of the Kiev regional police.  The launching ceremony of the program of police rapid re
31.01.2016 19:31
Arsen Avakov: In Ivano-Frankovsk - new patrol police! (VIDEO)
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced that in the evening on January 31, 2016, 208 new patrol policemen will go on duty  in Ivano-Frankovsk. In the morning on January 31
30.01.2016 18:36
The staff of the National Academy of Internal Affairs swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
On January 29, 2016 staff of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (NAIA) took the oath of the employee of National police of Ukraine.  Besides cadets, students and officer trainees,
19.01.2016 13:38
Threat against the Netherlands from the “Azov fighters” is a provocation – statement of the Azov regiment (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
It was announced today, on January 19, during the meeting of Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and Andrew Biletsky, Ukrainian MP and the former first commander of the NGU regiment “Azov”,