«Сertification of police staff will be completed before the end of July and it will be a tough procedure» - Arsen Avakov (VIDEO)

12.05.2016 13:56

The head of the MIA announced it on May 12 after the ceremony of taking the oath by the new patrol policemen in Sumy.  Arsen Avakov  commented on the process of certification of the old militia employees who have declared their desire to continue service in the National Police of Ukraine since the militia cease to exist on November 7, 2015. 

"Yesterday we began to prepare for the start of certification in five regions of Ukraine, including the Sumy region" - said the Minister.  The experts are already inviting civiс activists from Sumy region to participate in the certification commissions. 
"As far as I know, we already have applications from about 70 public activists who have expressed their desire to participate in the certification commissions" - the minister said.
"Certification of the staff of territorial bodies of the National Police will be held in three stages: the first stage will cover 35-40 senior managers, who will be certified by the Central Certification Commission in Kiev. At the second stage the certification of the regional management teams will take place directly in the regions.  The third stage will include certification of the rank and file staff of territorial bodies of NPU through testing and interviews that will be also carried out locally"- explained the head of MIA.
The Head of the National Police Khatia Dekanoidze added that the whole preparatory process is supposed to be completed by the end of May.
"We have already formed the teams who work with the civil society groups.  I think that before the end of May we shall manage to test high level managers and supervisors, then the middle level command staff and then the rank and file policemen"- said the head of the National Police.
Arsen Avakov stressed that the certification procedure will be very tough.  A whole process of certification of police staff across the country will be completed by the end of July 2016.



Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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