New policemen started to patrol streets of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

14.05.2016 13:29

On May 14, 2016, in Kramatorsk and Slovyansk (Donetsk region) 194 new patrol police officers swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people. These young men and women were carefully selected, survived four months of tough training and successfully passed the exams.

The official ceremony of taking oath was attended by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the Head of the National Police Khatia Dekanoidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine Shiheki Sumi.

President Petro Poroshenko said that the new patrolmen represent a face of new generation of the Ukrainians and future of the State.

The Head of State noted that they may face challenges and make errors. But the experience, that the new patrol officers will acquire each day, will ensure advancement both of state institutions and society as a whole.

"Your work will to a large extent determine the pace and quality of changes in our common home - Ukraine" - said Petro Poroshenko.

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov noted that the majority of new patrolmen are residents of Donbass, including the nearby town of Gorlovka occupied by terrorists. Gorlovka population should see the difference between life in the occupied territories and in Ukraine. Arsen Avakov urged new patrolmen of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk to serve and protect everyone who lives there.

"Thus we shall change our country. It is a small step on our big way forward. Do not fail us"- said Arsen Avakov.

The Head of the National Police of Ukraine Khatia Dekanoidze said that two years ago it was hard to imagine that Ukrainian flags would be waving here.

"But we have overcome all obstacles and, of course, defeated the enemy. However, in order to defeat the greatest evil, you should do your best and defend the homeland. We are proud of you" - said Khatia Dekanoidze and thanked residents of the city for their support of the new police patrolmen.

24-year-old senior police lieutenant Alexander Malysh was appointed the head of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk Patrol Police Department. He previously served in the police special forces regiment "Dnepr-1" in the Dnepropetrovsk region.

According to the rector of Kharkov University of Internal Affairs Valery Sokurenko, these new patrolmen earned some practical experience while working during a month with the Kharkov patrol police. These new Donetsk region patrolmen also got more classes on special tactics, use of weapons, in particular  automatic, gained experience of foot and mobile patrolling.

Law and order on the streets of both towns will be provided by 24 patrol crews. After taking the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people 11 mobile patrol crews went to ensure public order on the streets of Kramatorsk and 13 mobile patrol crews - in Slovyansk.

There are 34 girls among the new patrol policemen. 14 policemen gained the battle experience while fighting in the ATO zone. 149 police officers or 77% of all new policemen have college level education. The average age of the new patrolmen is 27 years.

Let us remind, that recruitment of new patrolmen  in Kramatorsk and Slovyansk started on September 26, 2015. There were 2,410 applicants or 15 candidates for one vacancy.



Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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