Japan is ready to support creation of cyberpolice in Ukraine (PHOTOS)

29.04.2016 15:28

Mr. Shigeki Sumi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine, announced it on April 29 during his meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. The meeting was also attended by the First Deputy Minister Eka Zguladze. 



The Japanese diplomat noted that cybersecurity  is one of the key areas of cooperation between Ukraine and Japan in reforming Ukrainian police. He said that Japan supports MIA of Ukraine measures on the establishment and development of cyberpolice and is ready to provide financial, advisory and expert assistance.

Mr. Shigeki Sumi also stated that Japan welcomes the new Ukrainian Government and is ready to continue its cooperation with Ukraine.

Ambassador Shigeki Sumi also invited the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov to visit Japan with an official visit in the near future in order to get acquainted with functioning of the Japanese law enforcement system.

To remind: the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Japan signed an agreement on grant assistance to the Ukraine's Government which provides for supply of 9,000 sets of uniform for the National Police of Ukraine.

Besides, as part of the obligations of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, Japan had delivered to Ukraine in 2013-2015 1568 special purpose cars "Toyota Prius".


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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